Monday, September 30, 2019

Power of Situations Essay

In the,† The power of situations†, by Lee Ross and Richard E. Nisbett, the authors are trying to show the power of situations effecting the decisions of the people, how people react in different situations. The authors are trying to prove that social psychology rivals philosophy in teaching people that they do not understand the true nature of the world. The above claim is supported by two experiments, the Good Samaritan experiment by Darley and Batson, and the bystander effect experiment. The authors purpose was to prove how situations effect out actions, they were successful in proving it by acquiring such positive results in both of the experiments. The authors argue the difference in the point of view of the undergraduates and graduates of social psychology about the human behavior. Undergraduates who while taking their courses finds many facts about human behavior, it makes them feel satisfied with information, whereas graduates who have studied the human behavior fo r a long time have a challenged point of view towards the causes of human behavior than undergraduates. According to the authors small detail in an incident does not matter, what matters is the situation in which the incident took place. Authors argue about how the social psychology surpasses philosophy while making a decision. Even graduate students with years of experience, are not certain in predicting human behavior under peer pressure. In the end the authors talk about the â€Å"fundamental attribution error† it says that people who consider the personality traits and common tendencies in predicting the human behavior are proven wrong. They often fail to take into consideration the situational factors that affect the behavior. The bystander effect is used by the authors to prove that predicting ones behavior is impossible if we take into considerations the insignificant details. In this experiment the subject is John who is put in a situation in which he sees a man by the door asking for help, we are supposed to predict the behavior of John. A normal person would take into consideration the specific details of the situation and predict the behavior; this will result into a wrong prediction, the details of the circumstance does not helps predicting johns behavior, only the situation  and the actions of other bystander is considered while predicting ones behavior. The author is successful in proving the bystander effect on a person in any situation. There are many other experiments conducted world-wide proving the effect of bystander intervention. One of the most famous experiments was one conducted by Latane and Darley, in which participants were kept in a room and smoke was released in it, the percent of participants who reported the smoke decreased as the participants increased in a room. A special thing about this bystander effect is that: the more bystanders present when help is needed, the less assistance any of them will provide. The authors have mentioned another experiment conducted by Darley and Batson named â€Å"The Good Samaritan† experiment. It is a study of how people react to an emergency in different situations and levels of urgency. The researchers had three hypotheses to prove via this experiment: 1. People who are religious does not act any different those who are not, in a situation. 2. People in a hurry are less likely to help others. 3. People who are religions in a Samaritan fashion will be more likely to help than those who are not. The researches gave a task to certain amount of people, and on their way going the other side of building, they were faced with an emergency situation, and the researchers were to record how many participants helped in that situation. The results of this experiment were very promising regarding one of the hypotheses, that people in a hurry are less likely to help others. The results proved that no matter how we think about a situation, our actions are not the same. Other thing that authors point-out is the â€Å"Fundamental attribution error† it means that people always try to predict a human behavior by observing their personality-traits, rather than observing the situational factors. Observing personal traits never help in predicting someone’s actions, it is the situational factors that help us predict human behavior. There are many other experiments by different researches which concurs with the claim of Ross and Nisbett, that how the situations affects the human behavior, and by manipulating the situation, we can change the outcome of behavior, some of them are, Sherif’s â€Å"Autokinetic Paradigm† showed how group dynamics can influence group behavior, Solomon Asch’s experiment of social  pressure, Tajfel showed that even the mere classification of people into groups can elicit partisan group behavior. The results and statistics of the authors claim were very accurate, and well supported by other researchers. WORKS CITED The Bystander Effect, Web. 1 Jan. 2010. Darley, J. M., and Batson, C.D., â€Å"From Jerusalem to Jericho†: A study of Situational and Dispositional Variables in Helping Behavior†. JPSP, 1973, 27, 100-108. Ross, L., and Nisbett, R. E., The Person and the Situation, 1991. Chapters 1 and 2.

Refugee Blues Essay

The speaker is talking to someone â€Å"My dear† (perhaps his wife), the language and tone is very conversational. Each stanza intensifies the situation in the poem. The first stanza brings out that the refugees are homeless. Though there are millions in the city all of whom have some kind of home but the refugees have nowhere to go. In stanza 2, the couple cannot stay in their country. It compares two living people with the old yew tree. â€Å"Officially dead† means you cannot make passport. This section tells us how the refugees are trying to get help. The refugees cannot leave the country due to lack of passport and hence they are described as officially dead, though they are indeed alive. The refugees are treated coldly by the committee and council. They are politely pushed aside but no real help is offered. At the public meeting the speaker demonises the refugees as thieves. This is made to incite ordinary people to hate Jews. A metaphorical storm breaks over the whole of Europe continent as hitler sentences them to death. The tone of the final stanza is very bitter. The comparisons that the poet uses are testimony to these; Pet animals are treated better then Jews. eg: â€Å"saw a Door opened and a cat let in; †¦ † Fish are free and Birds are free, Poet blames nazi regime for creating an environment in which natural things act far much better than humans. The poet further uses cruel contrast. For e. g. : he has a dream of a huge building with many rooms for everybody except Jews. In the final stanza the poet enlightens a brightening future for the Jews but now Jews are hunted down by 1000’s of people.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Effects of Big Business Subsidies on Local Economies

Julian Diaz Eco 212 Tax breaks Big Business Subsidies Across the nation corporations have realized that they hold the fundamental building block to the growth of their revenues, and economic growth of small economies. Claiming that merely their presence are the key to fixing local economies. Politicians are willing to funnel, in some cases, millions of dollars from taxpayers pockets and into the wallets of corporations to set up shop in their town. Corporations with capital and willingness to invest are waiting around for the highest bidder, our bidders being the local governments attempting to find a way to a better local economy .These techniques are essentially paying the corporation to set up shop in their local economies. Local governments need to realized that big business as effective as it is in creating new jobs in the short run and stimulating the economy on a macroeconomic scale, are not benefiting the local economy in the long run and some cases short run. In order to tru ly understand the whys and wherefores for big business’ to not receive local government subsidies, a look into the negative effects of these business on the local economies, and how these subsidies should be allocated to maximize the positive growth of a local town are essential.The use of tax incentives to lure in big business may seem appealing at first but there are both short and long run negative effects, allowing these tax incentives to continue is not benefiting the economy just the large corporations who do not reallocate these resources into the local economy, and what do local governments and economies really see as a result of these tax subsidies. â€Å"Traditional economic development approaches have focused on trying to fill the bath tub while neglecting to plug the drain.An increasing number of communities are now seeking ways to â€Å"plug the drain† and limit the dollars that leak out of their local economy†1 Corporations are misleading governmen t officials with ideas centered around the creation of jobs and economic growth, what they happened to leave out during negotiations are the negative effects that big retailers have on the local economy. The past success of our nation’s economy has been driven by the ability to have free competition among business, a free market allows for the allocation of labor, and prices based upon demand.Major national retail chains and small businesses do share the need to consume in order to operate. However, the economic impact of small business to a local economy triumph that of the national chain stores. A study performed by the Maine Center for Economic Development consumption of small business benefit the local economy compared for every 100 dollars spent by a business how it impacted the local economy. â€Å"MECEP’s analysis found that in general every $100 spent at locally owned businesses generates an additional $58 in local impact. By comparison, $100 spent at a repres entative national chain store generates $33 in local impact.Stated differently, MECEP found that money spent at local businesses generates as much as a 76% greater return to the local economy than money spent at national chains. † This data was collected from 350 small business in the Portland area. The reason for such a higher effect being produced from the small business is derived from the fact that the goods they purchase are from other locally owned business. Government officials who feel that luring in these big businesses with tax incentives will benefit the economy need to find a way to improve local businesses first and â€Å"plug† the drain.Let’s assume that our local economy is like a city’s economy, if they allowed a major corporation to step in and open up shop, and increase sales revenue by 50 % wouldn’t that sound great. Add in the creation of new jobs for this economy, even better. However, where are the revenues from this increased sales going? They are not benefiting the government or local citizens because those sales taxes will at best be the break even cost of luring the big business with tax incentive.Once a major store opens like Wal-Mart there is are diminishing incentives to open up other location anywhere near original location as to not over infiltrate the market and split revenues while doubling operating costs. So now, where is this money that is being made going? Sure, some of it is being reintroduced into our economy through wages, however wages make up such a minute percentage of their revenues. Money is flowing out of the local economy and directed to be invested elsewhere, leaving the government breaking even small business losing revenue from decreased sales and lower product prices.A small study performed in salt lake city analyzed â€Å"Fifteen retailers and seven restaurateurs, all independent and locally-owned, participated in the local survey. Collectively, these retailers return a tota l of 52. 0% of all revenue to the local economy while these restaurateurs return 78. 6%†. The study although analyzed on a small scale did show that national chains and big business drive money out of the local economy. Some may argue for â€Å"Creative Destruction† arguing that although in the short run Wal-Mart may close out some stores in direct competition that those storefronts will be filled again.However, with a store like Wal-Mart which offers goods varying from groceries to electronics to lawn and garden, the available markets available to fill those closed out stores cannot make up for the amount of markets which have been driven out of the local economy. How many restaurants, ice cream parlors can a city have before that market infiltrated? Wal-Mart makes up about 1% of all retail employment in the country. There is no doubt that they contribute to overall employment in the country, however the effects of Wal-Mart openings to local governments are far from be neficial.A study performed at the institute for the study of labor found that â€Å"because Wal-Mart stores employ an average of 360 workers, this suggests that for every new retail job created by Wal-Mart, 1. 4 jobs are lost as existing businesses downsize or close. † The researcher took all biases into account including labor growth rate before Wal-Mart arrived. When Wal-Mart opens a new location they force small business in the closer area to have to down size reducing their workers, lower prices, and cutting back on possible investments. So for every job created by Wal-Mart 1. are lost that small business could have provided. The 1. 4 jobs would be how many jobs would have been available if Wal-Mart did not open up shop. Allowing government officials to give subsidies to these large business is an obscured vision of a positive future. Small business make up a large portion of sales revenues and impact the local economy stronger than Wal-Mart. The use of Tax subsidies to h elp encourage economic growth has been seen to stimulate short run economies; however the long run effects of these subsidies are far different.Currently in the region of St. Louis 5. 8 billion dollars have already been committed to economic development incentive programs. These programs offer subsidies to big businesses and chain stores to come in and help induce economic growth. The regional effects of these tax incentives resulted in an 17 year span an annual growth of employment of only . 8 percent from 1990-2000, however 2000-2007 only saw a . 2 percent growth in jobs, the loss in growth was due to the new introduction of tax incentives targeted towards reeling in big business.This introduction of retail chain subsidies shifted the placement of workers, losing 35,000 workers in the manufacturing industry and creating 200,000 jobs in the service industry. The average goods producing worker makes 55,000 dollars a year however the average service worker only makes 40,000 so this c reated significant decrease in the wages of the workers. A report compiled by the East West Government council stated: â€Å"One of the intended goals of the use of tax incentives at the municipal level is to increase taxable sales or sales tax revenues.Due to the substantial investment in retail development in the region, an increase in taxable sales would be expected, but the regional total taxable sales increased only moderately from 1993 to 2000 and remained relatively flat through 2007† Some may argue that the effects of the tax subsidies will be able to create enough big business support by creating more jobs across the area and that the crowding out effect would allow there to be more jobs than there was before. In a good amount of cases we did see this.Studies showed that some areas the big business were able to create jobs for those who lost them in small business. Although they were able to cover the amount of jobs, this did not benefit the economy by closing out co mpetition, offering lower paying jobs, finding more loopholes to not pay taxes, this does not benefit the area’s economy. When is it enough? Have we forgotten about Detroit and Pennsylvania. There will come a time when government subsides will have allowed the market to be infiltrated by big business and rule out small business. In Detroit for xample a city where a significantly large portion of workers, were employed in the automobile industry, when they industry left there was no backbone for the economy to support itself. All Detroit ever knew was big business manufacturing, without those large manufactures keeping jobs the economy will be in the whole. Imagine a stock portfolio would you invest all your money into one asset, when the number one rule is to diversify to limit the risk of a huge downfall? Local governments need to fix struggling economies from the inside out, not inversely.By allowing small businesses to receive tax incentives further growing the money spent locally as a result of small business buying operating goods from one another, by not subsidizing big businesses governments can insure a larger effect of economic growth by reducing the economic leakage which is occurring in so many regions, and lastly we can see real larger marginal returns on tax subsidies, the amount that is spent on big business subsidies is largely inflated from governments bidding for the big business to come to them, could be spent on growing inside out.The effects of local governments subsidizing big business to induce economic growth are misleading and unproductive to the overall long-term growth of an economy. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Garrett Martin Amar Patel, â€Å"Going Local,† Quantifying the Economic Impacts of Buying from Locally Owned Businesses in Portland,Maine (2011), Economic Study, 10-18-2012 . [ 2 ]. Civic Economics, â€Å"Indie Ima pact Study Series,† The Civic Economics of Retail (2012), 10/18/2012 . 3 ]. SOBEL, BY ANDREA M. DEAN AND RUSSELL S. â€Å"Has Wal-Mart Buried † Does Small Business Decline When Wal-Mart Enters the Market (2008): 8 pp. 10-18-2012 . [ 4 ]. David Neumark /Junfu Zhang /Stephen Ciccarella, â€Å"The Effects of Wal-Mart on Local Labor Markets,† 1 (2007), 101/18/2011 . [ 5 ]. East West Gateway: Coucil of Governments, (An Assessment of the Effectiveness and Fiscal Impacts of the Use of Development Incentives in the St. Louis Region), 10-18-2012 .

Friday, September 27, 2019

Critical Response Comparative Analysis Assignment. (Risk taking, which Essay

Critical Response Comparative Analysis Assignment. (Risk taking, which is the name of the chapter that has the 2 articles) - Essay Example Heroes and heroines are an important people in the whole of human race despite the action a hero does or a heroin does. Heroism has a profound belief in the value of human beings and the dignity of all human race regardless of whether one is a victim or not. This paper will outline and describe various critical analyses on how profound heroism has evidently evolved in the feminism characters and comparisons to that of masculine characters. Miriam Polster, author of the article Eve’s Daughter states that moving beyond stereotypic class of heroes makes s conclude that ordinary men and women are heroes. Heroes in everyday may not receive an accorded acclaim. However, private heroism becomes precise because people see their heroes every day; their heroes are so near as family, co-workers, and neighbors. Heroes have a profound respect for human life, a sense of personal effectiveness, mental courage, and original perspective about the world. People measure heroism in terms of publi city. They think that a hero is that big figure hat is seen every day, affects greatly in to the society, and largely distinguished from others. The fact is, heroism is characterized with basic traits that do not create hierarchy heroic actions but rather appreciation of ordinary guise and heroic elements. Ted Tollefson, author of article, Is a hero really nothing but a Sandwich?, describes many heroic figures like Warren Spahn, Elvis, Kennedy Carl Jung, Ben Hogan among others who have reflected back to Ted and what he intended to become. He wished to have good moves, become an electrifying orator as well as sex symbol. Ted shows how many of the generations have weaknesses for hero-worshipping as try to shed skins of their heroes like serpents. The people reach a point at which they start questioning about their heroes and why they need them. Ted explains that a number of people with heroic figure have common character traits despite the immense cultural differences. However, the re ason as to why they remain heroes is that activity they did of which, everyone else talks about. Ted explains how heroes live a life worth imitation that comes in with a number of benefits of zest and meaningful life (Tollefson, 1993). In the context of Eve’s daughter, you find that women have moved beyond a stereotype class of heroes where many of the women and men who are stated as heroes receive similar acclaims heroism and are accorded classic values of heroism, which are precisely equal to each other. Everyday heroes rise as different and difficult challenges arise too. The manner of tackling difficulties is different from one hero to another. In the context of People who make changes, heroism is a mere common place setting in response to challenges that affect more women that are vulnerable. In this context, inventory of heroism contain heroic characters, which are common to a bigger a number or all of the figures in the heroism state. Most of the heroes respect the hum an dignity and hold one accord for life. Heroism tries to solve challenges without hurting the victimized people. In this manner, the people a hero fights for appreciate him or her for standing in the place of the victims. When the challenge is drawn to the end, celebrations are held. The most enjoys the most is the hero himself for the privileges he gets from the people he or she helped (Polster, 2001). The mental courage in heroes permits them to be aware and accept the way people are in regard to their self-reliance and contribution of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Media Broadcasting Sustainability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Broadcasting Sustainability - Essay Example According to Sachs and Finkelpearl, the marketing operations have also been identified to be playing an effective role in the development of businesses and other corporate entities. In this respect, business entities, with the assistance of social marketing, have assisted in changing the behavior along with cultural values as observed in the society. Respectively, social marketing have assisted business entities in developing better communities and societies focusing on the aim of addressing to the issues in relation to environmental sustainability (Sachs and Finkelpearl, â€Å"From Selling Soap to Selling Sustainability: Social Marketing†). Again, in the second article titled ‘Media Literacy, Citizenship, and Sustainability’ by Robin Andersen and Pamela Miller, emphasis has been laid on the trend, which implies that different business organizations have adopted various marketing strategies with the aim of ensuring that the products are marketed effectively in loc al, national as well as international markets in today’s contemporary era. Contextually, the importance of visual advertisements has been recognized to play a major role in attracting consumers towards a product. There are different media technologies, which include televisions, internets and magazines among others that have assisted in influencing the consumer culture to a substantial extent. In this regard, the article illustrates that the Diesel Company has used different media technologies in promoting its products through visual messages. Thus, media technologies have assisted the company to perform in a sustainable manner. In this regard, media literacy and education is important in the present business scenario to develop better creative as well as innovative ads and facilitate an effective bondage with different cultures and peoples. Media literacy will also facilitate consumers in having a better understanding and information in relation to factors accountable for cl imate change along with other awareness programs. Contextually, media literacy has also been argued as essential to develop a better sustainability along with citizenship on a global context in this article (Andersen and Miller, â€Å"Media Literacy, Citizenship, and Sustainability†). In the third article titled, ‘Music: Using Education and Entertainment to Motivate Change’ by Amy Han, arguments have been centered to the notion that music from traditional era till the present day context has been used as an effective role in developing better connection amid people. It also assists in developing the spiritual aspects of people in an entertaining manner. The article further argues that in the present digital age, media technologies, which include ‘social networking sites’ such as Facebook and Twitter among others are used to preserve music and also share it within the social circle irrespective of geographical and political limits. Music is used in ed ucation with the intention of developing cognitive skills and self-awareness along with self-confidence skills amid individuals. Music is also recognized to influence the moral character of an individual. Music education also assists individuals in having a better understanding of environment and its sustainability. In this regard, the article denotes that music has been used in different festivals and entertainment events. These events are organized and educate people about the way of minimizing waste and preserving the natural beauty (Han, â€Å"Music: Using Education and Entertainment to Motivate Change†). PART II The articles summarized in the discussion of part

Consumer Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Consumer Psychology - Essay Example It determines for the consumer, how he sees himself. Personal self image is formed by the sense of identity, the feelings of self worth and self esteem (Blackwell, Miniard, and Engel, 2006). It can be explained as what qualities and attributes, one associate to his personality in order to define himself. This self-concept of an individual can be reflected through the choices he makes for himself. These choices are not just related to the decisions he made in his routinely life but this can be observed by every single gesture that he makes. Each action of an individual makes a specific statement about that person. While determining personal self-concept, the choices of products that one makes, also reveal much about a consumer and his needs. For example, a smoker, who has a personal self image about himself, to be a kind of a person who likes to be isolated, aloof, and lonely with nature or he associates himself to the cow-boyish image, he would rather prefer to have Malboro cigarettes. He would feel himself much related to Malboro’s brand and its advertisements. He would associate with that brand personality in a much better manner than any other consumer not having such attributes (Gehrt & Yan, 2004). Social self concept can be described as how consumers feel that others and society see them. This is how society interprets a person’s image and how society evaluates the choices of products and services made by an individual (De Mooij, 2011). For example if a husband chooses to gift his wife a Tiffany’s diamond ring on their anniversary publically in a party, then people would make an image about that husband, as him to be a very caring, loving and concerned husband. This is how consumer of a product would feel people think of himself. There is another concept that lies within the domains of social self concept is the ideal social self image, this concept is defined as an individual’s desire to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Psychology essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Psychology - Essay Example Nine months after the implementation of these changes, a recent employee performance appraisal revealed that employee performance and motivation levels had decreased. This article will utilize the theory of psychological contract and the attribution theory to evaluate why the employees are experiencing the above mentioned changes. These will be followed by recommendations that the firm could apply in order to improve on this situation. A psychological contract could be defined as a set of promises and beliefs held by an individual employee about the terms of the exchange between the employee and his or her organization, or the agent of the organization (Wellin, 28). The psychological contract can be a complex concept since it is an unwritten rule that cannot be directly expressed in a tangible way. Nevertheless, there have been arguments to the effect that a breakdown of the psychological contract can result in poor performance of individual workers or of the organization as a whole (Anderson, 102). This can be caused by a reduction in levels of organization commitment, lack of motivation, absence and attendance problems and high levels of staff turnover, some of which the financial company is already experiencing. Being a psychological rather than a legal contract, a psychological contract refers to beliefs about the deal as opposed to what is contained in writing within the formal employment contract about the deal (Conway & Briner, 23). Breach is probably the most important idea in psychological contract theory since it is the main way of understanding how the psychological contact affects the feelings, attitudes and behaviours of employees. A breach of the psychological contract occurs when one party perceives that the other has failed to fulfil promised obligations. In this case, the financial organization’s freeze on pay-rises and overtime payments combined with the freeze in almost all training could

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Socio-economic Effects of Reducing National Debt of the United States Research Paper

Socio-economic Effects of Reducing National Debt of the United States - Research Paper Example Application of microeconomic theory especially the demand supply mechanisms will be applied to show the effects on price as well as quantities. 3. Processes of deficit reduction There has been different proposals being put forwarded by policy makers and the political parties towards debt reduction mechanism. The Republicans have claimed that a smaller government is required towards deriving a balanced budget (Erickson, 2012). Although it can be stated to be having some significance but the policy is rather far from being a panacea. The reason for this is that the Republicans have targeted towards too small of programs. When there was backing of legislation by the Republicans in curbing expenditure on the food stamp, there was only trimming of around $ 16 billion out of $ 80 billion food stamp budget. It has been stated that the proposals made by the Republicans do not possess the ability towards solving the woes of the nation’s fiscal conditions. There has been necessity of bi gger reforms. The proposals as granted by Democratic parties in for tax hikes can be also stated to be far from panacea as well. It can be stated while the increase in taxes can neutralize the difficulties in budget but they are far from being actually neutralizing the problem all by them. On the surface it can be stated that the hike in taxes might be a good idea towards raising revenue simultaneously with the minimization of the income inequality gap. On further scrutiny it can be stated that the plan has also certain problems. The first problem is associated with the required breadth of the tax hikes. In the current situation the Federal taxes are around 18% of the GDP of the United States of America. For the purpose of balancing the...The paper highlights the process of lowering the national debt which affects the everyday hardworking American citizens in almost every aspect of their lives. There is a requirement of Federal law which directs that the Congress in United States of America possess the power of borrowing any amount of money which is required to pay for the programs which has been passed by the Congress of the country 75). There has been power given by the constitution towards controlling the expenditure as well as borrowing. The limit of debt or the ceiling in debt introduced in the World War I was targeted towards giving the Treasury towards provision of flexibility. In 2011, the ceiling of debt has become the central ground for the conflict of budget among the Republicans who took control of the House in the elections of the year 2010. American President as well as Democrats refused in raising the limits without a deficit reduction package. There was an impasse which was resolved a with a plan of broadening the spending cuts if there would be no working of the deal that could be worked out for a large scale reduction. There was so called sequestration cuts which was scheduled towards taking effect on January, 2013 but has been pushed back until the month of March, 2013 with the bill being passed on the Day of New Year for heading off the fiscal cliffs of the cuts as well as tax hikes. There is a graphical explanation of the possible tax hike in the paper, that shows the adverse effects on the wage of the employees in the economy.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mass Spectrometry PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Mass Spectrometry - PowerPoint Presentation Example The ions are then separated according to charge to mass ratio. They thus deflect such that those with the same mass to charge ratio experience the same deflection. The results are displayed spectra. The molecules or atoms in the sample are identified by comparing the found masses with the known masses. Mass spectrometry technology finds a wide range of applications such as in identifying unknown compounds, determining isotropic composition of element in a molecule and elucidating the structure of a compound. The ion analyser: - fragment ions as well as molecular ions are accelerated by manipulation of the charged particles. The mass analysis uses negative and positive voltages to control the path of the ions. Uncharged molecules and fragments are pumped away. The paths the ions assume are determined by their charge to mass ratio. Ionisation occurs at the ionizer stage. For soft ionisation, the bombardment which is carried out, impact very little residual energy onto the sample molecule resulting into very little fragmentation. Hard ionisation processes result into high residual energy into the sample material thereby leading t large fragmentation. The diagram above show the mass spectrum of pentan-3-one. Here the commonest fragment oin(tallest peak) is at m/x = 5 in is important to note that this isn’t produced the same ion. The m/z =5 was produced by [CH3CH2CH2CH2]+ therefore, there is possibility of getting a particular fragment from pentane. The peak with the m/z =29 is produced my the ethyl

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Global Wine Essay Example for Free

Global Wine Essay 1. How were the French able to dominate the worldwide wine trade for centuries? What sources of competitive advantage did they develop to support their exports? The French wine production essentially dates back to the time when it was part of the pioneering niche market for high quality premium wine. The factor conditions such as land and climate were pertinent attributes of the France, compared to other European countries. Cross border shipping costs surged in the early 19th century. However, France was able to amalgamate the relevant industries that supported wine production, within their borders. Therefore, France was able to raise the level of its competitive advantage throughout the various sources, absent any relative impact from other countries. Eventually, the wine industry proliferated and became the second largest export segment for France. This was combined with an extravagant culture of rich food, whilst making the customers more demanding, with respect to a certain quality of wine produced. In the aftermath of such demand shifts, the French government created the classification system, which raised the barriers to entry so that foreign competition can be limited. This classification system also aided the consumers in making easy decisions through the complexity of a fragmented market. It was essentially a depiction of standardization of quality measures to maintain industry standards of French wine worldwide. Much was relied on the vintner with respect to other operational capacities such as marketing and research. Due to a fragmented market, most small scale farmers relied on the wine maker for most market activities. 2. Given the longstanding dominance of Old World wine producers, how were the New World producers, such as the Australians, able to expand their market share so rapidly in the 1990s? 3. What changes in the global industry structure and competitive dynamics led the France and other traditional producers to lose market share to challengers from Australia, US, and other New World countries? 4. What should be done for France to restore its position?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Applications Of The Pigeonhole Principle Mathematics Essay

Applications Of The Pigeonhole Principle Mathematics Essay We begin our discussion with a common daily embarrassing moment. Suppose that in ones dresser drawer, he has socks of three different colours (all placed in messy order). Having to get up early in the morning while it is still dark, how does he ensure that he gets a matching pair of same coloured socks in the most convenient way without disturbing his partner? While, the answer is simple! He just has to take 4 socks from the drawer! The answer behind this is of course, the Pigeonhole Principle which we will be exploring in this Maths Project. What is the Pigeonhole Principle then? Let me give you an example to illustrate this principle. For instance, there are 3 pigeonholes around. A pigeon is delivering 4 mails and has to place all its mails into the available pigeonholes. With only 3 pigeonholes around, there bound to be 1 pigeonhole with at least 2 mails!. Thus, the general rule states when there are k pigeonholes and there are k+1 mails, then they will be 1 pigeonhole with at least 2 mails. A more advanced version of the principle will be the following: If mn + 1 pigeons are placed in n pigeonholes, then there will be at least one pigeonhole with m + 1 or more pigeons in it. The Pigeonhole Principle sounds trivial but its uses are deceiving astonishing! Thus, in our project, we aim to learn and explore more about the Pigeonhole Principle and illustrate its numerous interesting applications in our daily life. We begin with the following simple example: 2. Pigeonhole Principle and the Birthday problem We have always heard of people saying that in a large group of people, it is not difficult to find two persons with their birthday on the same month. For instance, 13 people are involved in a survey to determine the month of their birthday. As we all know, there are 12 months in a year, thus, even if the first 12 people have their birthday from the month of January to the month of December, the 13th person has to have his birthday in any of the month of January to December as well. Thus, we are right to say that there are at least 2 people who have their birthday falling in the same month. In fact, we can view the problem as there are 12 pigeonholes (months of the year) with 13 pigeons (the 13 persons). Of course, by the Pigeonhole Principle, there will be at least one pigeonhole with 2 or more pigeons! Heres another example of the application of Pigeonhole Principle with peoples relationship: 3. Pigeonhole Principle and problems on relations Assume that the relation `to be acquainted with is symmetric: if Peter is acquainted with Paul, then Paul is acquainted with Peter. Suppose that there are 50 people in the room. Some of them are acquainted with each other, while some not. Then we can show that there are two persons in the room who have equal numbers of acquaintances. Lets assume that there is one person in the room that has no acquaintance at all, then the others in the room will have either 1, 2, 3, 4, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 48 acquaintance, or do not have acquaintance at all. Therefore we have 49 pigeonholes numbered 0, 1, 2, 3, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 48 and we have to distribute between them 50 pigeons. So, there are at least two persons that have the same number of acquaintance with the others. Next, if everyone in the room has at least one acquaintance, we will still have 49 pigeonholes numbered 1, 2, 3, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, 48, 49 and we have to be distribute between them 50 pigeons! Also, we can apply the Pigeonhole Principle in the proving of numerical properties. The following are two of such examples: 4. Pigeonhole Principle and divisibility Consider the following random list of 12 numbers say, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 15, 23, 34, 55, 67, 78 and 83. Is it possible to choose two of them such that their difference is divisible by 11? Can we provide an answer to the problem by applying the Pigeonhole Principle? There are 11 possible remainders when a number is divided by 11: 0, 1, 2, 3, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., 9, 10. But we have 12 numbers. If we take the remainders for pigeonholes and the numbers for pigeons, then by the Pigeon-Hole Principle, there are at least two pigeons sharing the same hole, ie two numbers with the same remainder. The difference of these two numbers is thus divisible by 11! In fact, in our example, there are several answers as the two numbers whose difference is divisible by 11 could be 4 15; 34 67 or 6 83. 5. Pigeonhole Principle and numerical property We can also apply the Pigeonhole Principle in determining useful numerical properties. Consider a sequence of any 7 distinct real numbers. Is it possible to select two of them say x and y, which satisfy the inequality that 0 The problem sounds difficult as we may need to consider more advanced calculus and trigonometrical methods in the determination of the result. Well, to answer the above problem, one will be surprised to know that we just need a simple trigonometrical identity and apply the Pigeonhole Principle! Before proceeding to answer the problem, we first note that given any real number x, we can always find a real number a where n1 = tan a1, n2 = tan a2, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., n7 = tan a7 Now, if we were to divide the interval (-p, p) into 6 equal intervals, we obtain the following sub-intervals: ( -p, -p ), [ -p, -p ), [ -p, 0 ) , [ 0, p ), [p,p ) and [p, p ). For the 7 distinct numbers a1, a2, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.a7, by the Pigeonhole Principle, there should be two values say, ai and aj such that aI > aj and ai aj are in the same interval! For these two values ai and aj, we should have 0 We may recall an important trigonometrical identity: B ) = . Thus, if ni = ai and nj = aj , then = = tan ( ai aj ) As 0 0 and so, 0 which is the result we are seeking! We may also apply the Pigeonhole Principle in the proving of useful daily geometrical results.. The following examples illustrate such usages: 6. Pigeonhole Principle and Geometry a. Dartboard applications Another common type of problem requiring the pigeonhole principle to solve are those which involve the dartboard. In such questions, a given number of darts are thrown onto a dartboard, the general shape and size of which are known. Possible maximum distance between two certain darts is then to be determined. As with most questions involving the pigeonhole principle, the hardest part is to identify the pigeons and pigeonholes. Example 1: Seven darts are thrown onto a circular dartboard of radius 10 units. Can we show that there will always be two darts which are at most 10 units apart? To prove that the final statement is always true, we first divide the circle into six equal sectors as shown; Allowing each sector to be a pigeonhole and each dart to be a pigeon, we have seven pigeons to go into six pigeonholes. By pigeonhole principle, there is at least one sector containing a minimum of two darts. Since the greatest distance between two points lying in a sector is 10 units, the statement is proven to be true in any case. In fact, it is also possible to prove the scenario with only six darts. In such a case, the circle is this time divided into five sectors and all else follows. However, take note that this is not always true anymore with only five darts or less. Example 2: Nineteen darts are thrown onto a dartboard which is shaped as a regular hexagon with side length of 1 unit. Can we prove that there are two darts within units of each other ? Again, we identify our pigeonholes by dividing the hexagon into six equilateral triangles as shown below. With the six triangles as our pigeonholes and the 19 darts as pigeons, we find that there must be at least one triangle with a minimum of 4 darts in it. Now, considering the best case scenario, we will have to try an equilateral triangle of side 1 unit with 4 points inside. If we try to put the points as far apart from each other as possible, we will end up assigning each of the first three points to the vertices of the triangle. The last point will then be at the exact centre of the triangle. As we know that the distance from the centre of the triangle to each vertex is two-third of the altitude of this triangle, that is, units, we can see that it is definitely possible to find two darts which are units apart within the equilateral triangle! b. Encompassing problems Consider the following problem: 51 points are placed, in a random way, into a square of side 1 unit. Can we prove that 3 of these points can be covered by a circle of radius units ? To prove the result, we may divide the square into 25 equal smaller squares of side units each. Then by the Pigeonhole Principle, at least one of these small squares (so call pigeonholes) should contain at least 3 points (ie the pigeons). Otherwise, each of the small squares will contain 2 or less points which will then mean that the total number of points will be less than 50 , which is a contradiction to the fact that we have 51 points in the first case ! Now the circle circumvented around the particular square with the three points inside should have radius = = = It will be worthwhile to note the above technique can be useful in analyzing accuracy of weapons in shooting practices and tests. Next, we will like to proceed to a more creative aspect of the application of Pigeonhole Principle by showing how it can be used to design interesting games: 7. Application of pigeonhole principle in card games We like to introduce the application of pigeonhole principle in two exciting card tricks: a. Combinatorial Card Trick : Heres the trick: A magician asks an unsuspecting observer to randomly choose five cards from a standard deck of playing cards. The participant does not show these cards to the magician, but does show them to the magicians accomplice. The accomplice looks at the five cards, chooses four of them, and shows these four to the magician in a certain ordered manner. The magician immediately identifies the fifth hidden card. How does the trick work? The following is an explanation of our working strategy: (1) First of all, notice that in any hand of five cards there must be two cards of the same suit (an application of Pigeonhole Principle). The first card that the accomplice shows to the magician is one of these two cards. The other card of the same suit is never shown it is the mystery card, the card which the magician must discover. Thus, the accomplice can easily communicate the suit of the hidden card: the hidden card has same suit as the first card shown to the magician. Specifying the rank of the mystery card (ie its value) is a little trickier but can be accomplished with a little circular counting manner which we will explained below Number the cards in a suit circularly from 1(ace) to 11 (jack), 12 (queen) and 13 (king) so that 1 follows 13 i.e. the list is ordered in a clockwise direction. Now, given any two cards A and B, define distance (A,B) as the clockwise distance from A to B. It is easy to see that for any two cards A and B either distance(A,B) or distance(B,A) must always be less than or equal to 6. Again as an application of the Pigeonhole Principle, we note that if they are both 7 or more, then there will be at least 2 x 7 = 14 cards in a standard suit of cards!! Example Cards: 3 and Jack (11) distance(Jack, 3) = 5; distance (3, Jack) = 8 Cards: Ace(1) and 7 distance (Ace, 7) = 6; distance (7,Ace) = 7 (2) Our working strategy thus proceeds as follows.: From those two cards of the same suit, A and B, the accomplice shows the magician card A such that distance(A, B) is 6 or less. For example, given the choice between the three of clubs and the Jack of clubs, the accomplice reveals the Jack (since distance (Jack ,3) = 5 and distance(3, Jack)= 8). The three of clubs remains hidden. If the two same-suit cards are the five of hearts and the six of hearts, the accomplice chooses the five (since distance (5,6) = 1 but distance (6,5) = 12) leaving the six of hearts as the mystery card. (3) Finally, the accomplice arranges the last three cards to encode a number from 1 to 6 the distance from the value of first card to that of the hidden card. A quick calculation allows the magician to discover the value of the mystery card. Notice that although the magician must decode only one of 6 possibilities, it should not present a problem, even to the slowest of magicians. To facilitate the explanation for the last step involved, we may assign each card a number from 1 to 52 for ranking purpose. For example, the ace of spade can be numbered 1 (the highest ranking card), ace of heart numbered 2, ace of club numbered 3, ace of diamond numbered 4, king of spade numbered 5, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.., queen of spade numbered 9, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., jack of spade numbered 13, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., 10 of spade numbered 17, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. , à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. , 2 of diamond numbered 52 (the lowest ranking card). We will now proceed to explain the last step using the following example: Example: Suppose the five cards chosen are the following: 3 of Hearts (numbered 46) 5 of Spades (numbered 37) 6 of Clubs (numbered 35) 7 of Hearts (numbered 30) 2 of Diamonds (numbered 52) The accomplice notices that the 3 and the 7 have the same suit hearts. Since the distance( 3 ,7) = 4 and distance(7, 3) = 9, the accomplice chooses the 3 as the first card to show the magician, leaving the 7 of hearts as the hidden card. The magician now knows that the suit of the mystery card is hearts. The accomplices next task is thus to let the magician know that he must add the value 4 to the number 3 to obtain the final value of 7 for the hidden card! How can he achieve this? Basically, he can arrange the other three cards in 3! = 6 ways. Based on the numbering method explained earlier, the 3 remaining cards can be ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd . In our example, the 6 of Clubs will be ranked 1, the 5 of Spades will be ranked 2 and the 2 of Diamonds will be ranked 3. The accomplice may agree with the magician earlier that the arrangement of these 3 cards represent specific numbers as shown below: Order in which 3 remaining cards are shown Number represented by the arrangement 1, 2, 3 1 1, 3, 2 2 2, 1, 3 3 2, 3, 1 4 3, 1, 2 5 3, 2, 1 6 Thus in our example, the accomplice should display the cards in the following manner: firstly, the 5 of Spades, then the 2 of Diamonds and lastly, the 6 of Clubs ! b. Permutation Card Trick: Heres the trick: A magician asks an unsuspecting observer to randomly arrange 10 cards which are labelled 1 to 10 in a hidden face down manner. The participant does not show the arrangement of these cards to the magician, but does show them to the magicians accomplice. The accomplice looks at the ten cards and flips over six of the cards in a certain ordered manner to reveal their values to the magician. The magician immediately identifies the values of the four remaining unknown cards. How does the trick work? We first note that by applying the Pigeonhole Principle, we can show that in any permutation of 10 distinct numbers there exists an increasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers or a decreasing subsequence of at least 4 numbers. (refer next section of our discussion). These are the numbers that remain hidden in our trick. The magician will know that the sequence is increasing if the accomplice flips over the other six cards from the left to right and it is decreasing if the other six cards are flipped over from the right to the left. We will now proceed to explain the trick behind the game: The trick behind the game: Given any sequence of mn+1 real numbers, some subsequence of (m+1) numbers is increasing or some subsequence of (n+1) numbers is decreasing. We shall prove the result by Contradiction method. Assume that the result is false. For each number x in the sequence, we have the ordered pair (i,  j), where i is the length of the longest increasing subsequence beginning with x, and j is the length of the longest decreasing subsequence ending with x. Then, since the result is false, 1  £ i  £ m and 1  £ j  £ n. Thus we have mn+1 ordered pairs, of which at most mn are distinct. Hence by the Pigeonhole Principle, two members of the sequence, say a and b, are associated with the same ordered pair (s,  t). Without loss of generality, we may assume that a precedes b in the sequence. If a Thus, in our trick, we should have an increasing subsequence of at least (3+1) numbers or a decreasing subsequence of at least ( 3+ 1) numbers in a permutation of (33+ 1) distinct numbers! Here is an example of how the trick can be performed: Example Suppose the participant arranges the 10 cards in the following manner (value faced down from left to right): 3, 5, 8, 10, 1, 7, 4, 2, 6, 9. Upon careful inspection, the accomplice notices that an increasing subsequence can be 3, 5, 8, 10 while a decreasing subsequence can be 10, 7, 4, 2. If he decides to use the increasing subsequence, he should leave the first four cards untouched and flips the other six cards over in a leftward manner as shown: 1 7 4 2 6 9 Direction of flip The magician on realising that the four missing numbers are 3, 5, 8 and 10 and the leftward direction of flip, will thus proclaim the 4 hidden numbers to be 3, 5, 8, and 10 respectively! If the accomplice decides to use the decreasing subsequence, he should leave the cards bearing the numbers 10, 7, 4, 2 untouched and flips the other six cards over in a rightward manner as shown: 3 5 8 1 6 9 Direction of flip The magician on realising that the four missing numbers are 2, 4, 7 and 10 and the rightward direction of flip, will thus proclaim the 4 hidden numbers (from left to right) to be 10, 7, 4, 2 respectively! 8. Conclusion Although the Pigeonhole Principle seems simple and trivial, it is extremely useful in helping one to formulate and facilitate calculation and proving steps for numerous important Mathematical results and applications. We have included just a substantial amount of its applications in our project discussion. More importantly, we will like to show that a simple Mathematical concept like the Pigeonhole Principle does have numerous interesting and beneficial application in our daily life! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ End of Report ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Friday, September 20, 2019

Necessity of Soft Skills for Professionals

Necessity of Soft Skills for Professionals Soft Skills are Smart Skills: Necessity of Soft Skills for LIS Professionals in this Twenty First Century Abstract Changing the users awareness and the technology developed in this Twenty First Century, Library Professionals required to introduce new services, based upon user interest. Managing and running this current century library, professionals have a highly specialized job. So LIS professionals should be required multi-talented and multi-fold personalities. To reach the success and adding new variety of services in their libraries, this paper will helps to LIS professionals through Soft Skills.Various skills need to become a good leader. In Library concept, if you become a good Librarian you should have Library Professional Skills, Managerials Skills and Soft Skills. This paper describes the necessity of soft skill for library professionals. And it listed out the list of soft skills which are essential to survive effectively. Through this paper, we recommend all the library professionals must acquire and execute soft skills in order to better the outcome of their Library. Keyword: Library Science, LIS Professionals, Soft Skills, Twenty First Century Libraries, Librarianship. â€Å"Professional skills may help to get your Job, But Soft skills can make you a good Librarian†. Introduction LIS professionals need continuous grooming by new skills. Then only they become obsolete in this fast changing environment. Soft skills, becoming important at the middle level of library management. Library professionals have to be effective in oral, written an e-communication with their patrons, colleagues and managers, This soft skills will make them more effective to promote their library product and services through marketing. And thus this will help them to show their value to the parent organization. They also need good interpersonal and networking skill to interact with users and effectively collaborate with their colleagues. There is also a growing realization that libraries and information service play important social and community function. Thus, social and community building skills are useful for information professionals- both for community of colleagues (Abdus Sattar Chaudhry Christopher S.G. Khoo). Definition Technical professionals in various disciplines such as information technology, engineering, architecture, and research and development are increasingly required to broaden their skill sets to master the so-called soft skills. Soft skills, as defined by Wikipedia, are the cluster of personality traits, social graces, facility with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark people to varying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the technical requirements of a job. Set of Skills There are various types of skills that can be acquired. These skills are categorized under â€Å"Sets† based on their nature. There are five types of â€Å"Sets† of skills (Vidya V. Hanchinal. 2014) Hard Skills: certificates acquired through completing a formal education e.g.Certificates Technical Skills: abilities essential to perform a particular job e.g. employability skills Professional Skills: expertise in professional knowledge, e.g. teaching skills,corporate skills. Life Skills: enriching the innermost qualities like peace of mind, concentration,positive energy levels, etc. E.g. Yoga, Meditation, Mind Power. Soft Skills: a sociological term for a persons â€Å"EQ† (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) which refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, ability with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark each of us in varying degrees. Gupta Rajat(2012). To differentiate clearly between Hard skills, Soft skills and Life skills as; any type of job/work/profession/trade requires a set of tasks to be executed. These are hard skills or Core skills. So these skills are basics for success in professional life. Soft skills, prepare us to be acceptable by others, so that one can attain materialistic and psychometric success in his/her career. And Life skills, prepare us to attain psycho-somatic success (Inner Happiness) in life. Nishitesh and Reddi Bhaskara (2012). All these three skills finally elevate and refine our personality to greater heights, if one knows how to balance all these skills. The ever changing life style, hybrid cultures emerging management styles, technological revolutions essentially require refined sets of skills consisting of Hard Skills(Professional Skills), Soft Skills and Life Skills. Skills Required for the 21st Century Library Though various skills are required, but the skill needs depend on the role and context of the parent organization As all skills do not relate to everyone, a summarized set of skills under three broad categories of skills, i.e. generic, managerial and professional skills have been listed below. (Fisher 2004). S.P. Singh Pinki (2009) (Fouire 62-74) (Oldroyd 30:45-49:69:78:99; Sridhar 141-149); TFPL Skill Set) Generic skills Managerial skills Professional skills Communication skill Local and global thinking Information technology skills Flexibility Planning and organizational skills a. Hardware/ software and networking Skills Adaptability Financial management skills b. MS-Office suite Assertiveness a. Fundraising c. Power point etc. Self-confidence b. Skillful use of financial resources d. Library automation Creativity c. Accounting and auditing skills e. Database creation Innovation Managing change f. Internet Analytical skills Team building g. Intranet skill Problem solving Decision making h. Scanning techniques Decision making Leadership i. Networking skills Service attitude Negotiation skills * On-line search engines Customer relationship Consumer management skills * On-line databases search Improving one’s learning and experience a. User need analysis j. Desktop publishing Presentation skills b. Information seeking k. Content development Stress management c. Behavior analysis l. Digitization Time management Project management m. Web based services Interpersonal People management n. Virtual learning Group skills Stress management Information literacy Working with difficult people Time management Technical professional skills Resource management a. Information resource management b. E- serial management c. Metadata standards d. Standards e. System development Knowledge management5 Traditional skills Table No: 1 Required Skill for 21st Century Library Soft Skills Each one of us is endowed with two Kinds of Skills. Hard Skills and Soft Skills. Hard skills are human tangibles that often find a place in the individual.This soft skill are mostly of complementary nature representing human intangibles. Hard skills are nothing but academic skill that we have picked up in disciplines. Hard skills a can be obtained by reading books while soft skills cannot be acquired by merely reading books. Although it is difficult to give an exhaustive list of soft skills, let us look at the following list proposed by Goeran Nieragden under four heads: Interaction Self-Management Attitude Awareness Compensation strategies Conflict Handling Decision making Co-operation Learning willingness Diversity tolerance Self-assessment Etiquette Self-discipline Interlocutor orientation Self-marketing Teamwork willingness Stress resistance Communication Organization Delegating skills Problem solving Listening skills Systems thinking Presentation skills Troubleshooting List of Essential Soft Skills for Library Professionals Following are some of the significant soft skills that are required to become a successful library professional. Listening skills: The library professionals must have good listening skills a she/she has to interact with different types of users all the time. Communication skills: Command on language, especially English and also regional will improve the communication. A good communication skill also requires understanding people, self-confidence which enables to solve the problems with ease. Writing skills: The librarians are asked to help in writing research proposal/business proposal/project report, which requires good writing skills. Today there are many library professionals who are contributing to various publications, even in-house also or by sharing information and their experiences through library blogs and websites. Presentation skills: The presentation skills are required in report writing, library committee meetings and even in daily work which represents the overall library management. User service: To satisfy the information needs of the users is the utmost priority for any library. The library professionals provide various services such as CAS and SDI or other specialized services. Leadership skills Teamwork: Library management, especially in a bigger library set up is about team work/exercise. Hence, it is required to have leadership skills to manage and guide the team from time to time, as every subordinate is important for carrying out their work efficiently for smooth running of a library system. Teaching skills: Libraries spend huge amounts to procure resources, both print as well as electronic, therefore, it is essential to possess teaching skills, which helps to conduct the information literacy classes effectively. Conclusion Soft skills, becoming impartant of Library professionals in this 21st Century. A current century internet provides more exercise of this Softskills. The overlap in soft skill development and best practices across disciplines needs the Library Science course institutions have to think how to teach soft skills effectively. This paper presents and briefly mentioned variety of soft skills likely to be significant importance to LIS professionals. If we start to learn beginning from library science study itself, the huge difference will be there to execute their work environment. Of course, more and more innovative methods need to implement this soft skills to library studies. Through this paper, we request to add soft skill training to all library and information courses curriculams. References Abdus Sattar, Chaudhry., Christopher, S.G. Khoo.(2008). â€Å"Trend in LIS Education: Coverage of Soft skills in Curricula†. Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies, 66,1-13. Goeran Nieragden, (2000). ‘The Soft Skills of Business English’, The Weekly September 2000. Accessed on (Dec- 2014). Gupta Rajat (2012). â€Å"Soft Skills: Tools for Success†, Yking Books, Jaipur, P.4 Nishitesh and Reddi Bhaskara (2012).†Soft Skills and Life Skills : The Dynamics of Success†, BSC Publishers and Distributors, Hyderabad, P.16 Vidya V. Hanchinal (2014).†Developing Leadership Qualities in Librarians through Soft Skills†, Episteme: an online interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary multi-cultural journal,6 (4). Sridhar (2000), â€Å"Skill Requirements of LIS Professionals in the New E-World†, Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies, 36.(3) Pp.141-149. TFPL Skills Set: Knowledge and Information Management Skills toolkit. Access on (Dec- 2014). Fisher (2004). â€Å"Workforce Skills Development: The Professional Imperative for Information Services in the United Kingdom.† Australian Library and Information Association 2004 Biennial Conference. Sydney, 19 June 2004. S.P. Singh Pinki (2009). â€Å"New Skills for LIS professionals in Technology-Intensive Environment†. ICAL 2009 – CHANGE MANAGEMENT, Pp.331 -336

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Greatly Troubled System - School :: essays research papers

The formal education system used in today’s schools is greatly troubled indeed. We are oblivious to the hundreds of thousands of students oppressed by tyranny that encapsulates our schooling system. From homework and grades to the progression of school; schools need changes. This system stands waiting, while the talents of many young men and women are exposed to a backward system with hypocritical framework. One of the many examples is the policy of homework. It seems that this tends to be abused to give students mere busy work, while students in their free time should be relaxing, and doing activities they enjoy. Yet another flaw among the many, is the grading methods used today. Afterall, a letter or percentile could never fully represent a human being’s interpretations, with many positive and negative sides and emotions. These "judgements† tend to cause for great stress and are in effective. Finally the last point to be stated in this essay (seeing as if all the points were stated this would turn into a novel and not an essay) is the matter of the pace of school and specialization in courses. Courses should be more varied and options given as well as changing the pace and time of school. Plain and simple; a more flexible form of education would prove to benefit everyone. With greater specialization, the learning process can become quicker, more efficient and less tedious. In the following paragraphs the points stated above will be further stressed. The concept of homework in our formal education is wide spread propaganda. This highly unconstitutional form of schooling tends to be more busy work under the much repeated cover of ‘reinforcing subjects learned.’ This disguise has flailed for years but the truth shall soon be found. Homework crowds the free time of students; free time that should be used to do other productive activities. Homework causes much stress to students which leads to the deterioration of interest in learning and eventually all hatred of anything school related. As Mark Twain so beautifully put it, "Don’t let your schooling interfere with your education.† This quote referring to the fact that experience in life can be gained outside of school in great abundance and proves the production of a much better education than that of sitting in a class-room scribbling characters onto paper. With a slightly longer and more efficient school day, time could be optimized and homework could be abolished in its entirety. A true balance of work and play could be formed leading to a bounteous and supreme education. The formal education system could be incredibly more productive and beneficial if our system of merit was modified.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Story Of A Dead Man :: essays research papers

Story of a Dead Man My name is Pierce Montgomery. I hail from a small village town just outside of London. Seven years ago I was a young boy who set out for adventure to the new world. Today I write this as an old man. The following is my story of our colony at Roanoke and the series of tragic events that beset it. The journey to the new world was a long and tedious one. I was part of an expedition under the authority of John White. From what I remember if my journey I sailed on a ship named Dorothy. The quarters were very cramped and smelled of mildew. The ship was full of a variety of different people. There were carpenters, like myself, farmers, fisherman, and explorers. There were also some people who wad no real business being on the expedition. Aristocratic people, who had no concept of work, but were there just to have a good time, hunt, and search for spoils of the new world. These people were one of the main reasons we struggled so much founding a colony. It took over three months to reach the new world and when we did I had never been so glad to see land in my life. It was summer when we arrived so the weather was very cooperative. The first order of business for us was to build shelters and find a fresh water source. Luckily for us there was a stream near by. I being a carpenter helped build makeshift homes out of wood and rope. Farmer’s tilled fields and fisherman found the best spots to throw their lines. By fall the colony was up and running relatively smoothly. Everybody did their share of work except for the people from aristocratic people from England. There were fights almost daily about the laziness of these people. They took far more from the colony than they put back in. On the other hand they were the ones who financed our trip to this beautiful new world. Winter was a very tough time for us. Our crops died and we were very low on food. Our shelters collapsed under the weight of the snow and we didn’t have enough warm clothing. Fourteen colonists died during this time. It was then that we made first contact with the savages. They called themselves the Croatoan and were apparently from a small island located in the bay.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why Should Abortion be illegal?

Abortion is taking the life off new human being. Many people would say that it's not human to kill another person but what makes abortion any different from that? The main reason why many women abort is because they're too young and are scared of the Impact a baby will make In there life, they don't have enough money to support a child, or their relationship starts falling after finding out they're pregnant. As a Christian I was taught that abortion Is wrong and that only God can determine who lives and dies. Not only is abortion wrong but it can also cause severe damage to our body not only physically but psychologically.If you're not ready to take care of a child on your own don't abort put your child up for adoption, there are thousands of couples who would love to have a child but can't and are just waiting for a baby to adopt. Abortion is not justified because adoption is another choice, women often have side affects both physically and psychologically and you are taking the bab y's right of life away, killing is never right under any circumstance, therefore abortion should be Illegal. Adoption Is another option, give your child to a nice family who will take care and purport the baby the way It should be.There Is 36 couples waiting for ever one baby put Into adoption (Life News). You can even have the choice to have an open adoption where you can keep In touch with your child and know how Its doing throughout his/ her life. I think the fact that there are couples out there aborting because they aren't ready to have a children is unfair to couples dying to have children and the future baby. Abortion is very harmful to the human body not only physically but psychologically. Abortion can cause both short and long term physical complications. One is that abortion can affect women in being able to have healthy pregnancies in the future.After having an abortion women often suffer from depression because of regret, not only that but abortions create a risk of hav ing a miscarriage or pelvic inflammation disease In the future. Abortions aren't helping your life they're ruining it. All of this can be avoided, our bodies weren't made to have abortions. You are taking the life of a human being when you have an abortion. The fetus has a heart beat 5 weeks after the mothers last period and the fetus heart starts pumping blood throughout its body at six weeks (New Health Guide). People say abortions is not killing an actual living being.The time period recommended to have a safe abortion is 10 weeks, by this time the baby is already active. Its teeth and fingernails are growing in, it can start making facial expressions and even have the hiccup (New Health Guide). Please tell me how this isn't a human being. The Declaration of Independence says â€Å"that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness†, but by having an abortio n you are taking the babies right of life and happiness.Abortion can and should be stopped, It's not right nor human to kill a human being because you can't or don't want to take care of It. I understand women are scared or Just don't have the time to take care of a child but adoption Is always a choice. Abortions change women forever and not always for the best. The child has rights and by aborting you are taking the baby's right of life. Affects and you are taking the baby's right of life away, killing is never right under any circumstance, therefore abortion should be illegal.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Persuasive Speech

ALIENS: THEY ARE EXISTING! I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you. You should think that the existence of aliens is not just rumours. I am not talking nonsense because there are reasons why you should believe that their existences are real and not just rumours. First, after doing a lot of research, I have discovered that NASA scientists have found the absolute proof of their existence. Then, the existence of aliens has not just been noticed nowadays, but a long time ago. There is a great evidence of UFOs from past civilizations on earth. Lastly, if you are wondering if they are really exist, why has not God stated about them? For your information, there is also no statement that we are the only living being in this universe. This is why you should believe that their existence is real and not just rumours. TRANSITION: Okay, let’s get started with my first point of evidence about their existence. Some of you might be assuming that I will tell you the illogical proof, but I am here with the proof that makes sense. One of the Astrobiologists of NASA has reported that he has travelled to remote regions in Antarctica, Siberia, and Alaska over the past decade and found a very rare class of meteorites with some possible proof of alien life. Richard Hoover claimed that He found shapes similar to bacteria that are supposed leftovers of bacteria. To confirm, he tested the structures to see if they contained nitrogen. Unlike cells on earth, the mineralized microscopic rock fossils did not, so he decided that they had to be of extraterrestrial origin. The bacteria have been found at the bottom of Mono Lake near California's Yosemite National Park which is rich in arsenic which is usually poisonous to life, which do not have our atmosphere. Other than that, all the story of aliens and UFOs starting to be an issue after the UFO crash incident in Roswell, New Mexico. It all started on June 25, 1947 when a pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported seeing several objects while flying near Mt Rainier, Washington. His descriptions of the objects that flew like geese and moving like saucers that you bounced it across the water and became the term â€Å"Flying Saucers†, and thus the age of the UFO was born. Millions of people  have claimed to see or experience something paranormal and out of the ordinary. Even if most of them can be explained away, that still leaves a lot of unexplainable objects in the sky and unexplainable sightings of other worldly beings. UFO sightings have been reported all over the world, not just the U. S. A. A flying disc was seen by pilots, crew members, and a bunch of other people at the Chicago O'Hare Airport in November, 2006. The whole story was shown on CNN January 6, 2007. The government claims it was not alien aircraft or aliens and nothing of the sort was ever recovered. They have stated it was only a weather balloon. Alternatively, the evidence may exist but we, the public, are simply denied access to it by the big government on earth. But there are reasons why the government keep hiding and denying about the truth of their existence. The government is concerned want to keeps it a secret so as not to disrupt human society, which may be too fragile to risk exposure to the news that aliens exist and are routinely visiting the Earth. Imagine what would happen to the religions, which is a very important aspect of our society on Earth if the existence of aliens is confirmed. Then, they also may have in their possession alien technology, which they want to reverse engineer so as to gain an advance technological edge over rival nations. Besides, government could have incentive to keep alien’s technologies secret to protect the economy which is an important backbone of modern society. TRANSITION: Well, announcement from the government or NASA that aliens really do exist seems to be the proof that we are all waiting for. The fact that it has not come yet is what make people to believe that UFO does not exist. So, I also gathered some evidence from the past civilizations that also believe of aliens’ existence. The great evidence of UFO from past civilizations on earth is the most believable proof I can think of. The aliens and UFO’s stories not only been discovered currently, but they had already been an issues for a long time ago. The pictures of aliens show up in religious paintings and  on old drawings. There are several Renaissance paintings that have UFOs in them. There are also prehistoric drawings that show UFOs and also numerous examples of UFOs and aliens. How could they draw it all if they had never seen the real one? Consequently, these are the proof that cannot be doubted and shown that aliens and UFO are really present since a long time ago. Besides, there are also the aliens’ looking skulls found. The skulls are extremely stretched out, that would mean the brain would be much larger than a normal human's. They are clearly not a human skull because the researcher has been fed a variety illogical explanation as to why this skull has this formation. Now, they are all together at Museum Regional de Ica in Peru. It is not a coincidence, Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues because they had really seen the real aliens at their time. Then, about ancient monuments that we would have trouble building today, metals that do not originate on Earth, which is have been found in China, they were completely spherical and well fabricated. So, this also means that they also involved in some of the construction in our earth. TRANSITION: So, I have shown you all the evidence about their existence either from the latest decade where there is the present of technology and also from past civilization on earth. But, I am sure that many of you might be thinking, if they are really exist, why Allah never stated about them in the Al Quran. Here are some points that may stop you from being wondering. The Al-Quran never stated about the existence of aliens, but you must be concerned that Allah also never stated that we are the only living beings in this universe. In some of Surah, there is some implied information about another intelligent existence other than humanity, angels and demons in this universe. And one of the statement in Al-Quran, He created sky and earth, and Dabbah that He spread the two of them. And He has the power to gather all of it whenever He wants. Then, Allah also created seven skies and either earth which is under His rule so that you know as He is too powerful or He knows about the entire thing. Besides, Al-Quran also stated that it is not only our earth that is under His shield, all the existence in earth and sky also needed Him al the time as we did. In the book of Syaikh Muhammad al-Ghazali, he said that our earth not more than a dust in this big and wonderful universe that full of life and living beings. We will be the fool one if we are thinking that we are the only existence in this big place. Allah created a lot of galaxy, so it is possible that our planet not the only one that is full of live. This universe for him is full with living beings that Allah made that shown about His existence and His Almighty. Okay, for now I am confirmed that my explications have given a big impact to your belief. All I can say that the existences of aliens are not only rumours but they are living in this planet with us. I hope that I have convinced you enough that the existences of those aliens are not just rumours but they are real. I think I have sufficiently exposed you the proof of their existence, hoping that you would change your perspective. Like I said previously, I am not talking nonsense without evidence. Once again I insist that you should believe the aliens are existing because NASA scientist had found the absolute proof of their existence. It is not been announced yet because there are some conspiracy from government as they are hiding and keep denying about the aliens’ existence and they did it for reasons. Besides all the evidence from NASA, yet there is a lot of proof that they do exist. I put more effort on historical proof as the great evidence of UFO from past civilizations on Earth shown that their existence had been found long time ago. After all, if you are still wondering why not Allah proves their existence, I reclaim that there is no statement that we are the only living being in this universe in Al Quran either from other Islamic Religion. So, you should believe that the existence of aliens and UFO are not just rumours. Persuasive Speech Anna Rash November 9, 2009 Persuasive Speech Outline Comm Lab 150 Section 10 Mandatory Physical Education General Purpose: To persuade Speech Goal: I want to persuade my classmates that physical education should be mandatory in grades K-12, yet reforms should be made to make it mandatory. Introduction: I. How many times have you thought about wanting to work out to keep up a â€Å"fit and healthy† lifestyle, but did not know the criteria for a certain workout or even how much you should be doing during a week?Making physical education in grades kindergarten through 12th grade will help teach you these lifelong skills. II. Physical education should be mandatory in grades K-12 for the following three reasons: A. Learning how to live a healthy lifestyle B. Avoiding obesity C. Decreasing depression and anxiety Body: I. Children need to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. A. According to Jessica Barron from an article on Associated Content, â€Å"Physical education is necessary in schools to effectively teach children how to manage their lives in a healthy way.Children are less likely to care about their health if they are not told why health is important than children who are educated about nutrition and exercise. † B. While physical education needs to educate students in the classroom about how to eat better and maintain a healthy lifestyle, they also need to learn how sports can be enjoyable. According to an article written by Jessica Barron on Associated Content, most children do not know that sports can be fun and enjoyable if they are not made to at least try them. Without physical education, these children will never be trying any sports.Sometimes they even miss finding a hidden talent. C. According to the American Heart Association, elementary students should be required to have at least 150 minutes per week, while middle school students should be required to have at least 225 minutes per week, and high school students have to complete a phy sical education requirement prior to graduation. D. If learning how to live a healthy lifestyle is engrained into your memory, you are more likely to continue doing it when you graduate high school and attend college, which is something we can all find relative.Transition: Along with learning how to live a healthier lifestyle, the risk of obesity as a teenager and adult can be avoided with a better lifestyle. II. Obesity is a continuing problem among children. When children do not learn how to take care of their bodies, it can follow them into their adult life, which increases health risks majorly. A. Nearly 10 million children ages 6-19 are considered overweight. (American Heart Association). B. â€Å"In 1971 only 4% of overweight adolescents made up the population. That number has nearly quadrupled into 17% in 2003† (American Heart Association).C. Physical education needs to begin early and continue all throughout high school (K-12) because nearly two-thirds of Americans ar e overweight, and one in five four year olds are already obese according to The USA Today. D. Obesity can cause increased risk in certain health issues, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis, cited from the WebMD. Transition: By making physical education mandatory, obesity can be avoided along with decreasing depression and anxiety, which will ultimately help weight as well. III.Physical education can help maintain a positive attitude and decrease depression. This is crucial during teenage years because you are transitioning through different stages and friendships. A. After conducting an experiment in young females, psychologists found that after 5 50-minute light jogging/exercise programs for 8 weeks, depressive states significantly decreased compared to young females who just did daily activities (European Public Health Association). B. â€Å"One recent study found that a good workout could boost your level of serotonin, a bra in chemical that is linked to mood,† according to Kate Lee, a consumer health activist.C. Increasing this serotonin is exactly what children need in their lives to decrease signs of depression. D. According to the American Psychological Association, suicide, which is mainly caused by depression, is the third highest death rate among teenagers. Physical exercise being made mandatory in schools can help prevent this. E. This statistic should be widely remembered when certain lobbyists begin advocating against physical education because schools cannot fund it, or because physical education is not in the standard â€Å"academic curriculum. Transition: If physical exercise and education is something that can fight against depression, then why should schools be cutting it out of their curriculums and adding in harder academic classes where the students are concentrating for eight straight hours a day? Conclusion: I. After the points I have given, you should be able to see why physi cal education must be mandatory in our school systems for grades kindergarten through 12th grade. II. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising is key to a happier life and mood day to day.Decreasing anxiety will make you feel better overall, therefore keeping your weight at a healthy level. III. Physical education and proper exercise can do no harm, therefore why should it not be in school systems all over the country? Barron, Jessica. â€Å"Physical Education in Schools. † Associated Content (2006): 1-3. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Day Care next frontier in fighting childhood obesity. † USA Today 13 Oct 2009: n. pag. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . Lee, Kate. â€Å"Can exercise really improve my mood?. † Healthy Me (2009): n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2009. . Nabkasorn, Channuda, Nobuyuki Miyai, Anek Sootmongkoi, Suwanna Junpraset, and Hiroichi Yamamoto. Effects of physical depression, neuroendocrine stress hormones and physiological fitness in adolescent females with depressive s ymptoms. † European Public Health Association 16. 2 (2005): 179-184. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Physical Education in Schools. † American Heart Association. 2009. American Heart Association, Web. 28 Oct 2009. . â€Å"Teen and Young Adult Suicide: A National Health Crisis. † American Psychological Association (2001): n. pag. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Weight Loss: health risks associated with obesity. † Web MD. 05 May 2009. WebMD, Web. 3 Nov 2009. . Persuasive Speech Persuasive Speech Anna Rash November 9, 2009 Persuasive Speech Outline Comm Lab 150 Section 10 Mandatory Physical Education General Purpose: To persuade Speech Goal: I want to persuade my classmates that physical education should be mandatory in grades K-12, yet reforms should be made to make it mandatory. Introduction: I. How many times have you thought about wanting to work out to keep up a â€Å"fit and healthy† lifestyle, but did not know the criteria for a certain workout or even how much you should be doing during a week?Making physical education in grades kindergarten through 12th grade will help teach you these lifelong skills. II. Physical education should be mandatory in grades K-12 for the following three reasons: A. Learning how to live a healthy lifestyle B. Avoiding obesity C. Decreasing depression and anxiety Body: I. Children need to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. A. According to Jessica Barron from an article on Associated Content, â€Å"Physical education is necessary in schools to effectively teach children how to manage their lives in a healthy way.Children are less likely to care about their health if they are not told why health is important than children who are educated about nutrition and exercise. † B. While physical education needs to educate students in the classroom about how to eat better and maintain a healthy lifestyle, they also need to learn how sports can be enjoyable. According to an article written by Jessica Barron on Associated Content, most children do not know that sports can be fun and enjoyable if they are not made to at least try them. Without physical education, these children will never be trying any sports.Sometimes they even miss finding a hidden talent. C. According to the American Heart Association, elementary students should be required to have at least 150 minutes per week, while middle school students should be required to have at least 225 minutes per week, and high school students have to complete a phy sical education requirement prior to graduation. D. If learning how to live a healthy lifestyle is engrained into your memory, you are more likely to continue doing it when you graduate high school and attend college, which is something we can all find relative.Transition: Along with learning how to live a healthier lifestyle, the risk of obesity as a teenager and adult can be avoided with a better lifestyle. II. Obesity is a continuing problem among children. When children do not learn how to take care of their bodies, it can follow them into their adult life, which increases health risks majorly. A. Nearly 10 million children ages 6-19 are considered overweight. (American Heart Association). B. â€Å"In 1971 only 4% of overweight adolescents made up the population. That number has nearly quadrupled into 17% in 2003† (American Heart Association).C. Physical education needs to begin early and continue all throughout high school (K-12) because nearly two-thirds of Americans ar e overweight, and one in five four year olds are already obese according to The USA Today. D. Obesity can cause increased risk in certain health issues, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease, and osteoarthritis, cited from the WebMD. Transition: By making physical education mandatory, obesity can be avoided along with decreasing depression and anxiety, which will ultimately help weight as well. III.Physical education can help maintain a positive attitude and decrease depression. This is crucial during teenage years because you are transitioning through different stages and friendships. A. After conducting an experiment in young females, psychologists found that after 5 50-minute light jogging/exercise programs for 8 weeks, depressive states significantly decreased compared to young females who just did daily activities (European Public Health Association). B. â€Å"One recent study found that a good workout could boost your level of serotonin, a bra in chemical that is linked to mood,† according to Kate Lee, a consumer health activist.C. Increasing this serotonin is exactly what children need in their lives to decrease signs of depression. D. According to the American Psychological Association, suicide, which is mainly caused by depression, is the third highest death rate among teenagers. Physical exercise being made mandatory in schools can help prevent this. E. This statistic should be widely remembered when certain lobbyists begin advocating against physical education because schools cannot fund it, or because physical education is not in the standard â€Å"academic curriculum. Transition: If physical exercise and education is something that can fight against depression, then why should schools be cutting it out of their curriculums and adding in harder academic classes where the students are concentrating for eight straight hours a day? Conclusion: I. After the points I have given, you should be able to see why physi cal education must be mandatory in our school systems for grades kindergarten through 12th grade. II. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and exercising is key to a happier life and mood day to day.Decreasing anxiety will make you feel better overall, therefore keeping your weight at a healthy level. III. Physical education and proper exercise can do no harm, therefore why should it not be in school systems all over the country? Barron, Jessica. â€Å"Physical Education in Schools. † Associated Content (2006): 1-3. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Day Care next frontier in fighting childhood obesity. † USA Today 13 Oct 2009: n. pag. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . Lee, Kate. â€Å"Can exercise really improve my mood?. † Healthy Me (2009): n. pag. Web. 1 Nov 2009. . Nabkasorn, Channuda, Nobuyuki Miyai, Anek Sootmongkoi, Suwanna Junpraset, and Hiroichi Yamamoto. Effects of physical depression, neuroendocrine stress hormones and physiological fitness in adolescent females with depressive s ymptoms. † European Public Health Association 16. 2 (2005): 179-184. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Physical Education in Schools. † American Heart Association. 2009. American Heart Association, Web. 28 Oct 2009. . â€Å"Teen and Young Adult Suicide: A National Health Crisis. † American Psychological Association (2001): n. pag. Web. 3 Nov 2009. . â€Å"Weight Loss: health risks associated with obesity. † Web MD. 05 May 2009. WebMD, Web. 3 Nov 2009. . Persuasive Speech ALIENS: THEY ARE EXISTING! I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you. You should think that the existence of aliens is not just rumours. I am not talking nonsense because there are reasons why you should believe that their existences are real and not just rumours. First, after doing a lot of research, I have discovered that NASA scientists have found the absolute proof of their existence. Then, the existence of aliens has not just been noticed nowadays, but a long time ago. There is a great evidence of UFOs from past civilizations on earth. Lastly, if you are wondering if they are really exist, why has not God stated about them? For your information, there is also no statement that we are the only living being in this universe. This is why you should believe that their existence is real and not just rumours. TRANSITION: Okay, let’s get started with my first point of evidence about their existence. Some of you might be assuming that I will tell you the illogical proof, but I am here with the proof that makes sense. One of the Astrobiologists of NASA has reported that he has travelled to remote regions in Antarctica, Siberia, and Alaska over the past decade and found a very rare class of meteorites with some possible proof of alien life. Richard Hoover claimed that He found shapes similar to bacteria that are supposed leftovers of bacteria. To confirm, he tested the structures to see if they contained nitrogen. Unlike cells on earth, the mineralized microscopic rock fossils did not, so he decided that they had to be of extraterrestrial origin. The bacteria have been found at the bottom of Mono Lake near California's Yosemite National Park which is rich in arsenic which is usually poisonous to life, which do not have our atmosphere. Other than that, all the story of aliens and UFOs starting to be an issue after the UFO crash incident in Roswell, New Mexico. It all started on June 25, 1947 when a pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported seeing several objects while flying near Mt Rainier, Washington. His descriptions of the objects that flew like geese and moving like saucers that you bounced it across the water and became the term â€Å"Flying Saucers†, and thus the age of the UFO was born. Millions of people  have claimed to see or experience something paranormal and out of the ordinary. Even if most of them can be explained away, that still leaves a lot of unexplainable objects in the sky and unexplainable sightings of other worldly beings. UFO sightings have been reported all over the world, not just the U. S. A. A flying disc was seen by pilots, crew members, and a bunch of other people at the Chicago O'Hare Airport in November, 2006. The whole story was shown on CNN January 6, 2007. The government claims it was not alien aircraft or aliens and nothing of the sort was ever recovered. They have stated it was only a weather balloon. Alternatively, the evidence may exist but we, the public, are simply denied access to it by the big government on earth. But there are reasons why the government keep hiding and denying about the truth of their existence. The government is concerned want to keeps it a secret so as not to disrupt human society, which may be too fragile to risk exposure to the news that aliens exist and are routinely visiting the Earth. Imagine what would happen to the religions, which is a very important aspect of our society on Earth if the existence of aliens is confirmed. Then, they also may have in their possession alien technology, which they want to reverse engineer so as to gain an advance technological edge over rival nations. Besides, government could have incentive to keep alien’s technologies secret to protect the economy which is an important backbone of modern society. TRANSITION: Well, announcement from the government or NASA that aliens really do exist seems to be the proof that we are all waiting for. The fact that it has not come yet is what make people to believe that UFO does not exist. So, I also gathered some evidence from the past civilizations that also believe of aliens’ existence. The great evidence of UFO from past civilizations on earth is the most believable proof I can think of. The aliens and UFO’s stories not only been discovered currently, but they had already been an issues for a long time ago. The pictures of aliens show up in religious paintings and  on old drawings. There are several Renaissance paintings that have UFOs in them. There are also prehistoric drawings that show UFOs and also numerous examples of UFOs and aliens. How could they draw it all if they had never seen the real one? Consequently, these are the proof that cannot be doubted and shown that aliens and UFO are really present since a long time ago. Besides, there are also the aliens’ looking skulls found. The skulls are extremely stretched out, that would mean the brain would be much larger than a normal human's. They are clearly not a human skull because the researcher has been fed a variety illogical explanation as to why this skull has this formation. Now, they are all together at Museum Regional de Ica in Peru. It is not a coincidence, Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues because they had really seen the real aliens at their time. Then, about ancient monuments that we would have trouble building today, metals that do not originate on Earth, which is have been found in China, they were completely spherical and well fabricated. So, this also means that they also involved in some of the construction in our earth. TRANSITION: So, I have shown you all the evidence about their existence either from the latest decade where there is the present of technology and also from past civilization on earth. But, I am sure that many of you might be thinking, if they are really exist, why Allah never stated about them in the Al Quran. Here are some points that may stop you from being wondering. The Al-Quran never stated about the existence of aliens, but you must be concerned that Allah also never stated that we are the only living beings in this universe. In some of Surah, there is some implied information about another intelligent existence other than humanity, angels and demons in this universe. And one of the statement in Al-Quran, He created sky and earth, and Dabbah that He spread the two of them. And He has the power to gather all of it whenever He wants. Then, Allah also created seven skies and either earth which is under His rule so that you know as He is too powerful or He knows about the entire thing. Besides, Al-Quran also stated that it is not only our earth that is under His shield, all the existence in earth and sky also needed Him al the time as we did. In the book of Syaikh Muhammad al-Ghazali, he said that our earth not more than a dust in this big and wonderful universe that full of life and living beings. We will be the fool one if we are thinking that we are the only existence in this big place. Allah created a lot of galaxy, so it is possible that our planet not the only one that is full of live. This universe for him is full with living beings that Allah made that shown about His existence and His Almighty. Okay, for now I am confirmed that my explications have given a big impact to your belief. All I can say that the existences of aliens are not only rumours but they are living in this planet with us. I hope that I have convinced you enough that the existences of those aliens are not just rumours but they are real. I think I have sufficiently exposed you the proof of their existence, hoping that you would change your perspective. Like I said previously, I am not talking nonsense without evidence. Once again I insist that you should believe the aliens are existing because NASA scientist had found the absolute proof of their existence. It is not been announced yet because there are some conspiracy from government as they are hiding and keep denying about the aliens’ existence and they did it for reasons. Besides all the evidence from NASA, yet there is a lot of proof that they do exist. I put more effort on historical proof as the great evidence of UFO from past civilizations on Earth shown that their existence had been found long time ago. After all, if you are still wondering why not Allah proves their existence, I reclaim that there is no statement that we are the only living being in this universe in Al Quran either from other Islamic Religion. So, you should believe that the existence of aliens and UFO are not just rumours. Persuasive Speech ALIENS: THEY ARE EXISTING! I am sure that everyone of you have heard about aliens and UFOs. Indeed, we all have heard about the famous case of aliens and UFOs in Roswell, New Mexico. Most people might be interested in the topic of aliens, but I know that the majority of you just think of it as rumours and the existence of them are impossible. Therefore, I am standing here in front all of you to make you change your perspective. I am strongly confident that I have found the evidence of their real existence to convince all of you. You should think that the existence of aliens is not just rumours. I am not talking nonsense because there are reasons why you should believe that their existences are real and not just rumours. First, after doing a lot of research, I have discovered that NASA scientists have found the absolute proof of their existence. Then, the existence of aliens has not just been noticed nowadays, but a long time ago. There is a great evidence of UFOs from past civilizations on earth. Lastly, if you are wondering if they are really exist, why has not God stated about them? For your information, there is also no statement that we are the only living being in this universe. This is why you should believe that their existence is real and not just rumours. TRANSITION: Okay, let’s get started with my first point of evidence about their existence. Some of you might be assuming that I will tell you the illogical proof, but I am here with the proof that makes sense. One of the Astrobiologists of NASA has reported that he has travelled to remote regions in Antarctica, Siberia, and Alaska over the past decade and found a very rare class of meteorites with some possible proof of alien life. Richard Hoover claimed that He found shapes similar to bacteria that are supposed leftovers of bacteria. To confirm, he tested the structures to see if they contained nitrogen. Unlike cells on earth, the mineralized microscopic rock fossils did not, so he decided that they had to be of extraterrestrial origin. The bacteria have been found at the bottom of Mono Lake near California's Yosemite National Park which is rich in arsenic which is usually poisonous to life, which do not have our atmosphere. Other than that, all the story of aliens and UFOs starting to be an issue after the UFO crash incident in Roswell, New Mexico. It all started on June 25, 1947 when a pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported seeing several objects while flying near Mt Rainier, Washington. His descriptions of the objects that flew like geese and moving like saucers that you bounced it across the water and became the term â€Å"Flying Saucers†, and thus the age of the UFO was born. Millions of people  have claimed to see or experience something paranormal and out of the ordinary. Even if most of them can be explained away, that still leaves a lot of unexplainable objects in the sky and unexplainable sightings of other worldly beings. UFO sightings have been reported all over the world, not just the U. S. A. A flying disc was seen by pilots, crew members, and a bunch of other people at the Chicago O'Hare Airport in November, 2006. The whole story was shown on CNN January 6, 2007. The government claims it was not alien aircraft or aliens and nothing of the sort was ever recovered. They have stated it was only a weather balloon. Alternatively, the evidence may exist but we, the public, are simply denied access to it by the big government on earth. But there are reasons why the government keep hiding and denying about the truth of their existence. The government is concerned want to keeps it a secret so as not to disrupt human society, which may be too fragile to risk exposure to the news that aliens exist and are routinely visiting the Earth. Imagine what would happen to the religions, which is a very important aspect of our society on Earth if the existence of aliens is confirmed. Then, they also may have in their possession alien technology, which they want to reverse engineer so as to gain an advance technological edge over rival nations. Besides, government could have incentive to keep alien’s technologies secret to protect the economy which is an important backbone of modern society. TRANSITION: Well, announcement from the government or NASA that aliens really do exist seems to be the proof that we are all waiting for. The fact that it has not come yet is what make people to believe that UFO does not exist. So, I also gathered some evidence from the past civilizations that also believe of aliens’ existence. The great evidence of UFO from past civilizations on earth is the most believable proof I can think of. The aliens and UFO’s stories not only been discovered currently, but they had already been an issues for a long time ago. The pictures of aliens show up in religious paintings and  on old drawings. There are several Renaissance paintings that have UFOs in them. There are also prehistoric drawings that show UFOs and also numerous examples of UFOs and aliens. How could they draw it all if they had never seen the real one? Consequently, these are the proof that cannot be doubted and shown that aliens and UFO are really present since a long time ago. Besides, there are also the aliens’ looking skulls found. The skulls are extremely stretched out, that would mean the brain would be much larger than a normal human's. They are clearly not a human skull because the researcher has been fed a variety illogical explanation as to why this skull has this formation. Now, they are all together at Museum Regional de Ica in Peru. It is not a coincidence, Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues because they had really seen the real aliens at their time. Then, about ancient monuments that we would have trouble building today, metals that do not originate on Earth, which is have been found in China, they were completely spherical and well fabricated. So, this also means that they also involved in some of the construction in our earth. TRANSITION: So, I have shown you all the evidence about their existence either from the latest decade where there is the present of technology and also from past civilization on earth. But, I am sure that many of you might be thinking, if they are really exist, why Allah never stated about them in the Al Quran. Here are some points that may stop you from being wondering. The Al-Quran never stated about the existence of aliens, but you must be concerned that Allah also never stated that we are the only living beings in this universe. In some of Surah, there is some implied information about another intelligent existence other than humanity, angels and demons in this universe. And one of the statement in Al-Quran, He created sky and earth, and Dabbah that He spread the two of them. And He has the power to gather all of it whenever He wants. Then, Allah also created seven skies and either earth which is under His rule so that you know as He is too powerful or He knows about the entire thing. Besides, Al-Quran also stated that it is not only our earth that is under His shield, all the existence in earth and sky also needed Him al the time as we did. In the book of Syaikh Muhammad al-Ghazali, he said that our earth not more than a dust in this big and wonderful universe that full of life and living beings. We will be the fool one if we are thinking that we are the only existence in this big place. Allah created a lot of galaxy, so it is possible that our planet not the only one that is full of live. This universe for him is full with living beings that Allah made that shown about His existence and His Almighty. Okay, for now I am confirmed that my explications have given a big impact to your belief. All I can say that the existences of aliens are not only rumours but they are living in this planet with us. I hope that I have convinced you enough that the existences of those aliens are not just rumours but they are real. I think I have sufficiently exposed you the proof of their existence, hoping that you would change your perspective. Like I said previously, I am not talking nonsense without evidence. Once again I insist that you should believe the aliens are existing because NASA scientist had found the absolute proof of their existence. It is not been announced yet because there are some conspiracy from government as they are hiding and keep denying about the aliens’ existence and they did it for reasons. Besides all the evidence from NASA, yet there is a lot of proof that they do exist. I put more effort on historical proof as the great evidence of UFO from past civilizations on Earth shown that their existence had been found long time ago. After all, if you are still wondering why not Allah proves their existence, I reclaim that there is no statement that we are the only living being in this universe in Al Quran either from other Islamic Religion. So, you should believe that the existence of aliens and UFO are not just rumours. Persuasive Speech