Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay on Obessive-Compulsive Disorder - 972 Words

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is onset by anxiety which causes a person to have life consuming obsessions and compulsions. A person with OCD will spend hours completing ritualizes (patterns), they will isolate themselves form the world or from going to certain places. Treatments and medication are available to people who suffer from OCD to help them control their obsessions. However, not everyone living with OCD has compulsions (Darity 18). There are five different types of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Checkers, Orders, Washers and Cleaners, Hoarders, and Obsessionals. Obsessions are consistent thoughts and images that force a person to actions; known as compulsions, to reduce their anxiety. A person may constantly wash their†¦show more content†¦Harvard Mental Health Letter notes that â€Å"hoarding among patients with OCD are 25% to 30% with behaviors typically begin at age 12 or 13, and progressively worsen as people age† (6). Checkers will constantly check anything that might cause harm to them or others. The patient can ease the anxiety by making sure doors and windows are locked, appliances are turned off. Even touching, reassurance, counting and retracing past memories are all symptoms of OCD for checkers (Darity 18). A checker may try to get out of their compulsions by having someone else do the checking for them (Foa and Wilson 9). Some checkers may become repeaters, spending hours of their day on checking or doing actions repeatedly; until their anxiety is gone. Washers and Cleaners live in fear of germs, and of being contaminated by the world around them. They could spend hours cleaning, washing their hands and avoid anything they think contains germs; even if it looks clean to everyone else. A person feels these ritualizes will prevent illness and death. Therefore, will spend up to an hour or ten hours washing and cleaning to make sure all is safe (Foa and Wilson 8). Orders dedicated hours arranging items to perfection. They need to have exactness and can always notice when something has been moved; causing anxiety and the person to become upset. For example, an orderer will place bottles of hair care products according to daily usage. However, if someone used the products and messed up theShow MoreRelatedAs Good as It Gets Dsm Diagnosis1280 Words   |  6 Pages(Nicholson) finds his life turned upside down when he is left with the responsibility of taking care of his neighbour Simon’s dog while he is being hospitilized. Melvin is a cranky, rude, bigoted obsessive writer that suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). He eats breakfast at the same table in the same reestaurant everyday and brings along his own platsic utensils due to his fear of germs and takes interest in his waitress Carol (Hunt) who appears to be the only person that toleratedRead MoreObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Essay2901 Words   |  12 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, affects an average 1.7% of the population according to the Stanford University School of Medicine.  Ã‚  The recognition of this psychological disorder has grown in the recent years.  Ã‚  As the knowledge of this disorder becomes more prevalent, those suffering have become more willing to seek help (OCDA).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  OCD is a condition â€Å"in which people experience repetitive and upsetting thoughts and/or behaviors† (OCDA).  Ã‚  While there are many variationRead MoreOcd - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment131367 Words   |  526 PagesDavid A. Clark. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-10: 1-57230-963-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-57230-963-0 (hardcover: alk. paper) ISBN-10: 1-59385-375-0 ISBN-13: 978-1-59385-375-4 (paperback) 1. Cognitive therapy. 2. Obsessive–compulsive disorder. I. Title. RC489.C63C57 2004 616.85†²2270651—dc22 2003020283 To my parents, Albert and Ardith, for their support and encouragement About the Author About the Author David A. Clark, PhD, is a professor in the Department of PsychologyRead MoreEssay on Ticcing Away: Tourette Syndrome3162 Words   |  13 Pagesthe disease’s symptoms were part of a distinct condition different from other movement disorders. (Shimberg, 1995 p.25) Tourette studied several patients he believed to have the disorder. These studies included a French noblewoman who used to interject obscenities during conversation. (This is also known as coprolalia,) Tourette came to the conclusion that TS was hereditary, (Shimberg, 1995, P.67) that the disorder did not have any intellectual or psychological deterioration, (Shimberg, 1995, p.69)Read MoreIs Control A Complex And Multidimensional Construct That Has Spawned A Large Body Of Research?2125 Words   |  9 Pagespsychopathology is the perception that one lacks control over negative events and emotional experiences (Weems Silverman, 2006). Research has shown that a diminished sense of control is associated with the experience of negative emotion and mood disorders. Studies posit that a lack of perceived control is central in the aetiology of depression (Abramson, Seligman, Teasdale, 1978) and anxiety (Barlow, 1991). Early experiences of a lack of control over aversive events have been hypothesised to contribute

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Role of Education in 21st Century Free Essays

Role of education in 21st  century Long, long ago, Newton had said that he was ‘like a child, who is  picking pebbles at sea-shore while the great ocean of knowledge lies before me’. Since then, knowledge has grown enormously at  a much faster speed than human ability to cope with it. Technological advancements of twentieth century, especially during post 1970? s due to revolution in the field of information technology, have changed the whole scenario. We will write a custom essay sample on Role of Education in 21st Century or any similar topic only for you Order Now Entering into world of knowledge is like going into a dense forest. Only way out is to develop clarity of thought/mind, as to what one wants to know  and make sincere efforts to  pursue relevant knowledge in that specific area. Also it is equally important to upgrade knowledge continuously. As  Alvin Toffler, renowned writer has said, â€Å"The illiterate of twenty-first century will not be those who can not read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. † Purpose of education Unfortunately, meaning and purpose of literacy and education is misunderstood. Literacy does not merely mean the knowledge of three ‘R’s, nor does it  mean only academic or theoretical studies/knowledge leading to award of degrees. Increasing knowledge-base through available information is also  not the purpose of learning. Bookish-knowledge and award of degrees through formal education without effective training-systems neither serves  any purpose  nor led the people to get employed gainfully. As Khalil Gibran has said – knowledge, the object of knowledge and application of the knowledge – all the three are equally important for motivating to take a wise action. A little knowledge that acts is worth more than much knowledge that is inactive. One, whose knowledge is confined to books, cannot use his wealth of knowledge, whenever required. The scope of education – The scope of education is much broader. It is a continuous process. It means complete up-bringing of the individual starting from the childhood till end. In its wider sense, literacy and education embraces within itself reading, observation, thought and its application in real life situations. Within its jurisdiction, also comes formation of habits, manners, character, attitude and aptitude along with imparting knowledge. Learning at each and every stage of life increases knowledge-base, understanding and attitudes of a person. A well-planned and sound system of education inspires human beings to control their senses, mind and intellect, so that they could be adjusted better in real life’s environment. It guides people to achieve their goals within time and cost parameters and to channelize their efforts towards desired direction. In short, a sound education system imparts knowledge, shapes attitudes, cultivates skills and builds work habits of the people. Distinction between action, forbidden action, and in-action – Knowledge has  been considered essential for the purpose of giving activities, their due meaning and value. According to Hindu philosophy even a wise man may get puzzled without knowledge about do’s and don’ts. It is only after the acquisition of knowledge, that a person  understands the real nature of work and could distinguish correctly between action, forbidden action and in-action. India and its Education system High regard for knowledge- India has always given importance to and showed a high regards for knowledge, wisdom, virtues, characters and will power. According to Indian philosophy, ‘Wealth of knowledge is supreme among all forms of wealth’. (Vidya dhanam sarvadhana pradhanam). Therefore, knowledge is the greatest thing to be sought after. A human being is human because he has the organic capacity to think and seek knowledge. More importance to knowledge than wealth – Unlike India, in Western countries, more importance is being given to creation of wealth. Wealth is the ultimate aim of the people, yardstick of success and a status symbol. Traditional India was not so materialistic. Its systems had separated pursuit and achievement in knowledge from temptations of worldly comforts, wealth or power-politics. According to Indian philosophy, when a person runs blindly after money and forgets about the real purpose of knowledge, both wealth and knowledge vanishes from their lives. The only judicious way to generate wealth and gain power goes via the path of true knowledge. Knowledge as the base of ranking – Earlier the greatness of a person, institution or a nation was judged on the basis of the degree of righteousness and justice. Greatness of a nation was judged  with which its administration governed lives of the common men or their character. It was not on the basis of the size of a state, its military power  or its treasury/bank-balance. Similarly, in the society, a person or a caste was ranked on the basis of knowledge, iscipline and moral standards, and not on the basis of material success, muscle or money power or of having controlling  power over the destiny of common man. Respect for knowledgeable persons – In ancient India, apart from Brahmins, others were also paid respect  by the society  for their learning, character, spirituality and ability to guide  general masses. The system was quite liberal in this matter. It grace fully accepted the right and opportunity to get to the top from the humblest origin and earn the respect of the whole society. For example, Vashishtha, the principal of the conservative school of Brahmanism, was the son of Uravshi, a prostitute. Vishwamitra, the maker of the very Gayatri Mantra, the quintessence of the Vedic Brahmanism, was a Kshatriya. Aitreya, after whom the sacramental part of Rig-Veda is named as Aitreya Brahamana, was the son from a non-Aryan wife of a Brahman sage. Vyasa of Mahabharata fame was the son of a fish-woman (belonging to Mahr community – Dalit according to present standards and to which Dr Ambedkar, the messiah of Dalits belonged). Balmiki, an untouchable according to present standards, the original author of Ramayana, is highly respected all over India. None of them were not ashamed of  their origin. They still hold a very high position in general public minds. Close connection between Knowledge and hard work -For acquiring knowledge, training mind in a scientific manner and concentrating energies of mind, one has to struggle, work hard, make sincere efforts and face many challenges in life. Now-a-days, courage  to struggle or work hard is missing except in a few students, who still keep the fire of seeking knowledge burning all the time. Without hard-work, search for knowledge remains incomplete and superficial. In ancient India sages (Rishi-Munies) had worked day and night to acquire true knowledge. The love for knowledge inspired many students to walk from different parts of the country to centers of learning at that time like Taxila or Nalanda. A powerful Emperor, like Ashoka the great, thought it his duty, to bow before the monks â€Å"as a mark of my deep respect for their learning, wisdom and sacrifice. What matters in life, are not a person’s status or position, but his virtues and wisdom. Only when you have raised yourself up from ignorance, can you recognize the greatness of a few in a sea of humanity. † For creating modern civilization, sincere knowledge seekers in Western world also did not care for inconveniences or challenges. They had sacrificed their time (for about two centuries), energies and comforts in search of knowledge. Then only they could develop great modern scientific knowledge, technique and wealth. Education  in modern India Sixty four years after independence and self-rule, lliteracy-rate has gone up to 74% from 65%. For males it has risen to 82% from 75%, for females to 65% from 54%. In absolute number, the figure is alarming. No nation can afford to have a large number of its population to remain illiterate, ignorant and unskilled. Constraints That all is not well in education system in India – has been noted by distinguished academicians, policy-makers, political leaders, other eminent persons, commissions and committees. Now and then, they have pointed out its failures in one area or another. It has always been felt that Modern education has become increasingly unrelated to national needs and aspirations, insufficient, wasteful and dysfunctional. In addition to what constraints that have already  been  existing in the education system, many more external and internal problems,  paradoxes and constraints have cropped up. Some defects in modern education based on colonised British Grammer School type education, were pointed out by  Gandhiji like – * It is based upon foreign culture to the almost entire exclusion of the indigenous culture. It ignores the culture of heart and hand and confines itself simply to head * Real education is impossible through foreign medium. External Constraints – Externally, socio-economic and political pressures have violated its identity and autonomy. Some changes have taken place in the recent past in the character, role and inter-relationship of these main constituent of the national elites – the political executiv e, the legislators, the businessmen, the media persons, the organized workers, the surplus farmers and the bureaucrats. It brought into the forefront some undesirable social changes and political turmoil. It has affected adversely the whole atmosphere in the field of education as well. Population explosion has put a heavy pressure on present education system and its available infrastructure. Narrow loyalties, sectional interests and sub-cultures like – favoritism, nepotism and corruption have fast become an accepted way of life. Result is that communal, regional and caste conflicts and unhealthy ompetition between different powerful lobbies are increasing every day to have their exclusive hold on scarce resources available in the field of education or for power and pelf. Few persons and groups, who have the power in their hands, control almost every walk of national life and are working to deny justice to common men. The reflection of all these social evils is found in the educational system as well. Internal Constraints – Internally the system has been fractured along the lines of disci pline deteriorating standard of education in general and student sub-culture. Slowly but steadily, the education system lost its capacity to equip the younger generation with relevant knowledge and skills for enabling them to get gainfully employed and to perform their jobs with a sense of responsibility. It has failed to produce much-needed dynamism in youth as well. Now people have started questioning the legitimacy of a modern education system itself. Disintegrate society – Instead of being an instrument of social integration, education system divides people into two groups – ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’. There is government or government aided schools that give education to poor masses. It is economical, but do not maintain good standard. On the other hand there are private schools, which caters mainly the needs of ‘Haves’, because it is very costly. Deteriorating standards – After independence, India is facing a rapid deterioration in standards of education. In the past, though education was thinly spread, it had maintained some standard. Now in an attempt to do quantitative expansion of education, quality of education suffered a lot. The examination and evaluation system tests only a narrow range of skills, especially those of memory. Standard of general education has deteriorated considerably and suffers from grave errors. In addition to it, there is lot of  interference and control of the government at every stage of the educational process. Unfit for original work – Education system in advanced countries makes student a lively, inquisitive and original thinking person. There, it has been able to develop certain special qualities  like regards for laws of the nation, awareness, contempt  for hypocrisy,  sympathy for  underdog and courage to resist cruelty or misuse of power and authority. An educated youth in India generally fails to display genuine social conscience. Store-house of information – Importance of information in knowledge, which provides the basis of all the thinking, cannot be denied. However, present education system at all stages of education, from preliminary through secondary right up-to the college stage makes mind a store-house of information/knowledge and discourages original thinking. It lays emphasis on giving students ready-made knowledge, systematically and neatly organized in the form of lessons, units and text book. English medium – English medium puts extra strain upon the nerves of students and makes them crammers, imitators and unfit for original work and thought. Masses remains deprived. System is producing mostly the youth, who are unable to express clearly in any language, including their own and lack woefully the competence and confidence to assume responsibilities. Higher secondary, the weakest link in Indian education system – Higher secondaryeducation is considered  to be insufficient and a weakest link in Indian education system. It needs sincere efforts to improve the Academic standards, curricula and methods of teaching at higher secondary level. In western countries the standard of higher secondary education is sufficiently high to ensure recruits of higher intellectual attainment to join various jobs at this stage. Degree-oriented: The whole system of education and employment is degree oriented. Degree is the master-key to a nice and respectable career giving status, authority and final reprieve from manual work. Such a narrow mind-set has put tremendous pressure on higher education system. A large number of new substandard and superfluous institutions are being created every day to meet the demand. Government also encourages mass entry into universities and colleges. Rush in institutions are of such students as well, who want degree as a passport and are not interested in studies. Such students seize every opportunity to spoil the academic atmosphere and breed indiscipline. Indiscipline- There is a growing unrest in the student community. Youth of the day want to be absolutely free from all compulsions. For them, discipline and observance of rules are supposed to be unnecessary and irrational. They have no respect for rules/discipline/morality or for elders, teachers or authority. Their interests lie in all that is sensuous, in material gains and in enjoying pleasures in life. Indiscipline in student’s world leads to chaos and violence. It makes people slaves of their weaknesses. Employability – One of the major aims of education is to make youth employable. At present it is difficult to find out and recruit well qualified persons for various jobs in government, public or private sectors. At pre-employment stage, education needs to be comprehensive in scope and sound in nature for making youth acceptable in job-market. It needs to be supplemented by rigorous foundation training telling the fundamentals of their specific jobs and inculcating in them relevant knowledge and skills, otherwise effectiveness, efficiency and quality of work gets a setback. At present, all the basics about their jobs are told to employees after their join work-force, which requires a much more massive effort in order to make employees do their jobs well. Unrealistic Manpower Assessment – Assessment of manpower requirement for economic growth is not done rationally according to national needs. After Independence, the need for technical people was felt and in recent past for management experts. The Government created large number of professional institutions in these areas without assessing the needs of the nation. It resulted in educated unemployment. A large number of scientists, doctors, engineer’s technicians and management graduates have to go abroad in search of suitable jobs. Therefore, for streamlining the performance of people at work after employment, most essential and fundamental requirement is that the character and scope of pre-employment educational system should be redesigned in such a way, that it could continuously provide men and women of vitality, vigor, initiative and imagination with intellectual accomplishments, qualifications and soundness of character needed in different disciplines and at different levels at job market. Where the fault lies? – For all these lacunas, students blame teachers, teachers blame students. Both together try to blame educationists. They, in turn, attack social system. The present system of education  can not be changed or improved overnight. It needs concentrated efforts of all – students, teachers and the society. Then only  a larger base of skilled and trained manpower could be created. Conclusion Rational thinking needs to be done about the real problems and the role of education in modern life after understanding its basics, fundamentals and aims correctly. The requirement of a university degree as a Passport for starting nice and respectable career (white collard jobs) has made a mockery of higher education. Such an attitude has by-passed the need to â€Å"educate all†, resulted in negligence of primary and higher secondary education and in over-crowding the institutions of learning. The stress on quantitative increase has subverted all the attempts to improve the quality of teaching and learning. It has led to continuous fall in the academic standards and students’ discipline, regional imbalances in the growth of educational institutions and politics in the temples of learning. In the present times of neck to neck competition, one should continuously upgrade knowledge. It is the best way to create a larger base of skilled and trained manpower. Education should  instill in students problem-solving attitude and develop the courage to meet the challenges of real life bravely. Instead of offering excuses or blaming others for one’s failures and dissatisfaction,  it should inculcate in students the spirit to face the difficult situations in life and make efforts to change  their destiny themselves. Education must teach people always try to have control over ones life’s situations and to stand up on his own feet rather than depending on others for moving forward. Success  in life depends on developing capacity and courage to take right decisions at right time. Only sound system of education and training  can provide a lasting solution for various problems, people are facing today. It  can lead the youth towards rational, positive and creative thinking. It would make youth capable to make right decision at right time, plan rationally about their career that would suit to their attitude and aptitude and to shoulder their responsibilities properly. It would enable them to act judiciously and promptly, give them courage to avoid out-dated traditions and dogmatic ways of doing things, courage to face realities and challenges. How to cite Role of Education in 21st Century, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Accounting For Current Assets Audit Fees †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Accounting For Current Assets Audit Fees? Answer: Introduction The current report presents a critical analysis of business situation together with the application of pertinent accounting theories with reference to the operations of the firm Wesfarmers Ltd. The study elucidates in detail the objectives of the General Purpose Financial Reporting and Qualitative Characteristics of financial information related to the conceptual framework. Moving further, the report analyses the extent to which financial report of Wesfarmers meets the disclosure requirements for PPE and satisfies the objective of the general purpose financial reporting. Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting As per the Conceptual Framework declared by the IASB during IASB stated under OB1 to OB 11the primary objective of general purpose financial reporting is to communicate pertinent and dependable information regarding a reporting entity to different users (Goodwin et al. 2015). The efficient allocation of different scarce resources can also be augmented if the ones who undertake decisions regarding resource allocation have the access to apposite financial information based on which the decisions are made. In addition to this, the general purpose financial reporting also intends to provide an appropriate technique that can assist management as well as governing bodies for discharging their responsibilities (Chand and Patel 2014). However, as per the Conceptual Framework stated under OB1 to OB 11, the purpose of delivering information to specific users is helpful for shaping as well as analysing diverse decisions regarding resource allocation (Yao et al. 2015). Nevertheless, the renderin g of responsibility by reporting corporations in the course of general purpose financial reporting is surrounded by the wider objective of delivering information effective for shaping and analysing decisions. Qualitative Characteristics of financial information According to the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, the qualitative characteristics of different helpful information include the following: Relevance- According QC5 of Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, financial information that is relevant can help in making a difference in various decisions that are undertaken by users (Hu et al. 2015). However, information might be capable of establishing a distinction in a particular decision even when certain users decide not to acquire advantage of it. As per the stipulations mentioned under QC7, financial information also have the potential of making a distinction in different decisions if the same has certain predictive value or else confirmatory value else wise both. Materiality- In accordance to the rulings mentioned under QC 11 of Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, a specific information is said to be material in case if omission of the same or misstatement of can exert influence on the decisions made by different users based on financial information (Laing and Perrin 2014) Faithful Representation- As mentioned under QC 12 to 16, financial reports need to be complete, free from errors as well as neutral. This helps in complete depiction that can help in presenting information that is essential for a user for understanding diverse phenomenon that is hereby depicted (Biondi and Lapsley 2014). Extent to which financial reports of Wesfarmers meets the disclosure requirements for PPE The accounting standard AASB 116 presents the disclosure requirements for plant, property as well as equipments (PPE). The main objective of this particular standard to present the specific accounting treatment for PPE so that different users of required financial information can distinguish information as regards investment of a business in its PPE. Essentially, each business concern has the need to prepare financial assertions as per Part 2M.3 stipulated under Corporations Act (Kabir and Rahman 2016). As per Aus 1.1, this standard is applicable for the general puropose financial assertions of reporting entity along with financial declarations that are considered to be general purpose financial assertions. According to paragraph 29, a corporation have the need to select either the cost model as mentioned in paragraph 30 or else the revaluation model stated in paragraph 31as the accounting strategy. In addition to this, entities need to apply this strategy to an entire category of PP E. As per the regulations stipulated under para 30, after proper identification as a specific asset, a particular item of PPE need to be carried at specifically its cost deducting any accumulated depreciation as well as any impairment losses. According to the regulations of the revaluation model mentioned under paragraph 31 of Compiled AASB 116, after acknowledgment as an asset, as such a particular article of PPE having a fair value can be enumerated consistently need to be carried at a specific revalued sum. In this case, fair value recorded at the revaluation date deducts accumulated depreciation as well as accumulated losses from impairment (Budding et al. 2014). The current study analyses the accounting policies and practices related to plant property as well as equipment with special reference to the financial assertions of Wesfarmers. Wesfarmers Ltd is a retail firm that is listed under the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Analysis of the financial reports of the firm Wesfarmers reflects the fact that the company prepares the pecuniary reports of specific firm for particularly general purpose. Therefore, the company has prepared as well as presented the financial assertions for the year 2016 as per the stipulations and rules mentioned under the Corporations Act 2001, AASB (Australian Accounting Standards Board and diverse authoritative stipulations presented by the IFRS. In essence, these regulations for the corporation are established by the IASB ( 2017). Analysis of the financial declarations of the firm Wesfarmers during the year 2016 reveals that the report is properly equipped based on the historical cost accounting system, barring the specific investments that are carried out in different financial instruments, different associates along with certain financial assets. In essence, exceptions are enumerated as per the fair value accounting method. Thus, it can be hereby mentioned that the enumerations of the plant, property as well as equipments along with different intangible asset of the corporation Wesfarmers Ltd are enumerated based on the historical cost system of accounting. As per the annual financial assertions presented for the year 2016, property of the corporation Wesfarmers Ltd was AUD 2475 during the year 2015. On the contrary, property the specific business concern was decreased to AUD 2396 during the year 2016. Again, plant and equipment was registered to be AUD 7730 during 2015 that again decreased to AUD 7216. Like wise, specific intangible assets of the business concern Wesfarmers Ltd were recorded to be AUD 4601 during the year 2015 and it enhanced to AUD 4625 during the year 2016 ( 2017). Analysis of the recognition as well as measurement system stated in the annual report of Wesfarmers reveals that carrying value of PPE is calculated as cost of the specific asset, taking away from the amount depreciation as well as impairment. However, the cost of the specific asset of the firm Wesfarmers Ltd as recorded in the annual statement comprises of replacing parts costs that are suitable for particularly capitalisation, along with cost of diverse inspections. In addition to this, different Items of PPE are essentially depreciated using a straight-line method of depreciation basis on useful economic lives of the assets. Basically, the approximate useful life of (particularly buildings) remainsbetween 20 years to 40 years. Again, plant and equipment is said to have useful life between 3 years and 40years. However, the report mentions that Land is not taken into consideration for depreciation ( 2017). Essentially, a piece of PPE is also derecognised at the time the same is sold or else disposed of. Sometimes it is derecognized at the time the use of the same is anticipated to create no potential economic future benefits. However, any gain otherwise loss stemming from derecognising particular asset is identified as the variance between earnings from disposal and assets carrying amount. As such, this amount is incorporated in the income assertion of the firm especially in the period the asset is derecognized ( 2017). Critical Analysis of the disclosures Disclosures refer to the provision of pertinent information by a corporation by a management of the firm that is even beyond the necessities for example, the generally accepted accounting principles. In this, the information is believed to be pertinent for decision making of different users of the firms annual declarations. The annual report of the firm Wesfarmers for the year 2016 presents a general purpose financial reporting that specifies key financial data on net capital expends of the company in the group performance of Wesfarmers in 2016, sale of PPE during 2015 and 2016, group capital employed in 2015 and 2016, cash flows (both payments for and proceeds from) of PPE in 2015 and 2016. In addition to this, the balance sheet statement of the corporation Wesfarmers also mentions about the plant, property as well as equipment under non-current assets section recorded for both 2015 and 2016 together with relevant notes on the same. Moreover, the annual report also presents impairme nt of plant, equipment as well as other assets/resources of the firm under the expense of the firm and gains/profits from the disposal of the same in the income of the firm under the notes section of the corporation. Thereafter, the annual financial assertion of the firm Wesfarmers also explains in detail the recognition as well as measurement principles that the company follows. In addition to this, the company also discloses illustratively depreciation, amortisation along with principles of derecognition principles. Furthermore, the annual financial assertions of the corporation Wesfarmers also discloses leasehold improvements, plant, vehicles as well as equipment along with mineral lease as well as development details of plant, property as well as equipments. In addition to this, impairment of diverse non-financial assets also reveals the testing for impairment of plant, property along with equipment that the company carries out at least annually for indefinite life intangibles w ell as goodwill. Over and above this, the impairment enumerations principles are also properly stated in the assertions. Thus, these assertions help in the process of presenting the relevance that can help in making a difference in various decisions of the users. In addition to this, this can help in faithfully representing the financial reports that need to be inclusive, error free and at the same time unbiased. Analytical evaluation of the annual report of the business concern Wesfarmers Ltd reveals that the consolidated general purpose financial report of the firm is prepared as per the disclosure requirements stipulated under the Corporations Act 2001 as well as other authoritative declarations of the AASB as well as IFRS (Yao et al. 2015). It can be deduced from the annual report of the firm that the carrying value of PPE is enumerated as cost of the specific asset, taking away from the amount depreciation as well as impairment. As per the requirement of the IAS 16, the corporation needs disclosures of particularly measurement bases of different classes of PPE (Hodgson and Russell 2014). Analysis of the financial declarations of the firm also replicates the fact that the approximations of economic lives of asset, residual value as well as methods of amortisation that call for the judgement of the management are assessed annually. In case if the estimation require modification, the alteration is accounted from reassessment date till the termination of the revised life. In addition to this, the group also carries out regular tests for impairment of PPE, intangibles as well as goodwill ( 2017). However, as per the regulation mentioned under C7 of the AASB 116, the impairment related to specifically goodwill in essentially cash generating unit, the comparative value of carrying of the goodwill is considered before the impairment. Again, as per C7 (b) of the regulation, impairment can be related to identifiable assets in diverse cash generating units and relative carrying value of specifically net identifiable resources of various parts before impairment is considered. Analytical discussion of the extent to which disclosures on PPE align with the objective of GPFR As mentioned in the annual report of the firm Wesfarmers, Ernst Young delivered the requisite independence declaration to firms Board for the FY ending 30th June, 2016. Again, efficiency, performance as well as sovereignty of the external auditor are appraised annually by Wesfarmers Audit as well as Risk Committee. As per the requirements of the Corporations Act 2001, the company declared the auditors independence that mentions that there have no kind of contravention of the assessor independence requirements, no breach can be observed in case of any valid code of professional conduct of the auditor. Wesfarmers Ltds Audit as well as Risk Committee supervises internal control strategies along with procedures developed to protect assets of the Group, preserve the overall integrity of pecuniary reporting and maintain adherence to accounting, legal as well as regulatory necessities. Thus, it can be hereby said that the management of the firm is committed to present and communicate relev ant and at the same time dependable information to different users of their financial information. So, the company is said to satisfy the main objective of the general purpose financial reporting. The reliable and audited financial information can also serve the objective of delivering correct information to different users who in turn can use the same for generating and at the same time analysing different decisions as regards allocation of scarce resources. Conclusion Thus, it can be stated that although neither accounting system using historical value nor accounting system using fair value are better or worse than one another. It can prove to be very effective if either of the above mentioned two systems can be used all through the operations. However, both the methods might perhaps produce effective information if implemented thoughtfully. However, in case if the same is applied poorly, can generate misleading and the same time conflicting information. Then in that case, this kind of information can prove to be ineffective and cause more wrong and the users of financial information might face serious difficulties in making their plans. Keeping in mind different factors and effects of globalization and continuous competition, it can be said that more focus can be given on single accounting method for firms operations. Again, the multiple methods of accounting can cause the complexity in comparing firms involved in identical sectors. References Biondi, L. and Lapsley, I., 2014. Accounting, transparency and governance: the heritage assets problem.Qualitative Research in Accounting Management,11(2), pp.146-164. Budding, T., Grossi, G. and Tagesson, T., 2014.Public sector accounting. Routledge. Chand, P. and Patel, C., 2014. Convergence and harmonization of accounting standards in the South Pacific region.Advances in Accounting,24(1), pp.83-92. Goodwin, J., Ahmed, K. and Heaney, R., 2015. The effects of International Financial Reporting Standards on the accounts and accounting quality of Australian firms: A retrospective study.Journal of Contemporary Accounting Economics,4(2), pp.89-119. Hodgson, A. and Russell, M., 2014. Comprehending comprehensive income.Australian Accounting Review,24(2), pp.100-110. Hu, F., Percy, M. and Yao, D., 2015. Asset revaluations and earnings management: Evidence from Australian companies.Corporate Ownership and Control,13(1), pp.930-939. Kabir, H. and Rahman, A., 2016. The role of corporate governance in accounting discretion under IFRS: Goodwill impairment in Australia.Journal of Contemporary Accounting Economics,12(3), pp.290-308. Laing, G.K. and Perrin, R.W., 2014. Deconstructing an accounting paradigm shift: AASB 116 non-current asset measurement models.International Journal of Critical Accounting,6(5-6), pp.509-519. (2017).Home - Wesfarmers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2017]. Yao, D.F.T., Percy, M. and Hu, F., 2015. Fair value accounting for non-current assets and audit fees: Evidence from Australian companies.Journal of Contemporary Accounting Economics,11(1), pp.31-45. Yao, D.F.T., Percy, M. and Hu, F., 2015. Fair value accounting for non-current assets and audit fees: Evidence from Australian companies.Journal of Contemporary Accounting Economics,11(1), pp.31-45.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Gorge Yourself Enviroment free essay sample

â€Å"The gorge- yourself environment† We find foods everywhere we look; sitting along the roadsides, calling at you in bright colors from grocery store shelves, glowing in vending machines down the hallway. There is no way to escape the never-ending advertisements from fast food restaurant. This is where obesity begins; consuming more food portions than your body needs People need to set limits and health plans early in their life to overcome this new threat. In this research, journalist Erica Goode tries to evaluate the local and global influence of the fast food industry of the United States. Erica Goode is an award winning journalist and currently on the staff of the New York Times. In 1979, she got her master degree in social psychology. Goode relies on research studies in nutrition and public health to support her speculation. She was also awarded as a mass media fellowship sponsored by the American association for the advancement of science. We will write a custom essay sample on The Gorge Yourself Enviroment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She has also written for publication, such as, vogue, self, Mirabella and edited book called letters for children (1996). Due to her work and experiences, she has won awards for her writing from the national mental health association and American psychiatric association. As of result, we can say that Goode have been considered one of the most reputable name in the industry of journalism. Further more, she also show her background and adequate knowledge and experience with the industry, which gives her more credibility and dependability in writing about various issues regarding one topic. In this research she talks about making decision for what and how much to eat are dictated by many factor besides hunger. Bigger, cheaper, and more varied meals, heavily advertised and widely available, may induces people to eat more than they need to. This includes on her having direct contact with people involved in her research, supplied with facts. In the research, Goode tells about the fast food industries and how people are so tempted to it? She considered different important areas of the industry, not just focusing on how the industry cater the changing meets and demands of the customer, but also the different processes, procedures and policies connected to the way the products are made and the amount that average person consumes. First, the author enables to present the different global concerns about the negative impact of fast food towards the health of the public, which include obesity. She also manages to connect other important aspects of one supply chain of the company, which is the artificial maker of flavors, where in, she mentioned to be highly reserved. Despite America being one of the most industrialized nations, this country is definitely not one of the healthiest. Even though we are living in a country with great economic power and amazing technology, we are also living in a country with the smallest nutritional knowledge. Where the land is overwhelmed with obesity. Fast food restaurants are quick to deny the blame that is being thrown at them by angry consumers and health professions. Fast-food restaurants have become typical in the past 30 years and practically all of America takes part of the cheap prices, quick service and tasty meals. Convenient as they are, these meals contain practically no nutrients. They are made up of mostly saturated fats and refined carbohydrates and are packed full of sodium and sugar. Fast food consumption can lead to adverse effects on the quality of dietary caused by higher energy intake. Increased risk of obesity is a major concern for parents as fast food has been a prominent feature on diet especially for children. Obesity effects growth and development of children on many aspects. The result of obesity will remain a greater hurdle of development for children consuming fast food. The problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. Obesity is one of the easiest medical conditions to recognize but most difficult to get by. Overweight children are much more likely to become overweight adults unless they adopt and maintain healthier patterns of eating and exercise. The biggest concern with children is the amount of exposure they get to these bad eating habits. Their busy parents use drive thru as a quick meal, and as a reward for good behavior. Their teachings show children that these meals are to be earned and give them a satisfying feeling while eating them. This helps develop a psychological connection that makes children feel more dependants on this food.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Individuality Brings Leadership Essays

Individuality Brings Leadership Essays Individuality Brings Leadership Essay Individuality Brings Leadership Essay In a community where one is expected to fit in with the group and not standout, anyone who expresses individuality is bound to stand out and make an important identity in that society. Individuality can make leaders, which have the potential to bring a long-term positive change to a modern society. Individuality creates leaders in any society. When a human has an attitude of being content with themselves to the point where they can freely express themselves, it brings out a great deal of self confidence. This confidence can be positive, and because humans are naturally attracted to people with self-confidence, these people that show individuality will have the ability to then command the respect of their peers and naturally rise to be leaders. Martin Luther King was a person that used Individuality to be a leader in his society. Without this great leader thinking the way he wasnt supposed to, and leading peaceful revolutions to stop slavery and segregation we wouldnt have the United States we have today. Because of his self-confidence, individuality, and support from people that followed him, he was successful in changing history to make his community and the world a much better place. Being a good leader can bring change to a society in many ways. Particularly, the implementation of a positive leader itself can bring change due to the ability for people to have a strong figure to look up too. When human beings have a feeling of loyalty to a figure they will automatically want to work hard to please him/her. With the majority of the people working hard/compassionately, the society will start to already see a change economically and politically rising. When the area becomes economically and politically strong due to the efforts of the people, the region starts to gradually get edified and bring in more and more of a population, bringing more diverse opportunities, such as scientists, engineers, artisans, and different cultures and skills. This increase of population will also come an increase in enemy eyes, but the ability for a leader to accumulate an army becomes effortless with a large population. The implementation of a leader easily brings many changes to a society in many different aspects. As you can see, individuality and respect earned from your fellow peers can automatically bring leaders into an area. Leaders have the ability to bring many costive changes to a modern society, such as political/economic growth, and different opportunities. In History, many of our great leaders like Martin Luther King used individuality to change a very unfair system of segregation, while also changing the United States forever. This is one of many instances of leaders using individualistic views to make long-term changes in an area. This shows that individuality is a very important trait for a leader to have to acquire success, and power. Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect. Mark Twain

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Debate on vaccination Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Debate on vaccination - Essay Example For instance, the vaccination against smallpox used cowpox, which was a poxvirus resembling smallpox to defend against it but did not cause any major illness. Vaccinations are done during the formative years of a person’s life even though this does not hinder an adult to go for vaccination. Children die of diseases each year since they are susceptible to infections due to their fragile immune systems. They are weak because they are young, and their bodies have not built immunities to these diseases. Therefore, the best way to protect children from such diseases is through vaccination (Sprigg 32). Several parents believe that vaccines are not safe for their children. However, it is more painful when a young life is taken by the infection of a killer disease because the child was not vaccinated. Ailments kill children each year. Children are more susceptible to infection due to their feeble immune systems. They are weak because they have not yet stayed alive enough to develop mechanisms for fighting infections. â€Å"†¦Unlike remedial treatment, vaccination provides a lifetime of protection from deadly diseases†¦and ensure healthier children, families and communities.† (Seth). Although vaccinating children can help prevent certain diseases, there are still many parent that are refusing to vaccinate their children. Vaccines against disease such as polio and MMR should be mandatory for all children who wish to attend school. These vaccinations can control the spread of deadly diseases, help protect children that are not able to get vaccinated and can save family time and money. However, many parents and guardians have failed or refused to take their children for vaccination due to a number of ideologies that have been propagated about vaccination over time. Some of the ideologies have been brought about by fears while others by misconceptions about the process of immunization

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Jacob Riiss How the Other Half Lives Research Paper

Jacob Riiss How the Other Half Lives - Research Paper Example Riis, a Danish immigrant, photojournalist, police reporter and perhaps, most notably, a pioneer in the field of social reform presents the different accounts in a fascinating manner. This is primarily ascribable to the fact that he narrates the stories from an older immigrant’s perspective, infusing the experience with some level of identity and believability. From the onset, Riis singles out standardization of living quarters and unregulated immigration, as the principal factors contributing toward overpopulation, overcrowding and deterioration of living standards in nineteenth century New York City. This is clearly a notion with which one can identify; given the rampant immigration that characterizes the contemporary American society and results in congestion of diverse environs. Just like is the case in present day America, majority of immigrants during Riis’s time escaped their home countries in search for a better life in America. For example, the Jewish people were escaping persecution in European countries, Africans were running away from strife in their continent, while the Irish were seeking a peaceful environment away from their war torn country. Majority of other immigrants simply sought the rags to riches American dream. However, as Riis indicates, majority of these new immigrants were forced to start their lives from gr ound up, with many becoming disoriented and staying right where they began. Riis further takes note of the propensity of ethnic groups to stay together.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Federalism and the Thirteen Independent Sovereignties Coursework

Federalism and the Thirteen Independent Sovereignties - Coursework Example blish how the documents presented in Chapter 5 support this contention as well as identify exactly what were the main issues that are deemed to have been responsible for pitting Americans against Americans as well as colony against colony. One of the key issues that is seen to have pitted Americans against each other and in the process lend credence to the postulation that was made by Knox is that there appeared to be a raging conflict between members of different classes in the early American society. Zinn (2010), notes that the military across the various American states was regarded as being a place for the poor as it afforded them the opportunity of rising in rank, acquiring some money and eventually being able to change their social status. However, this dream was not realized by most of the poor Americans that joined the army as Zinn (2010) points out that Governor Robert Morris who had been appointed as the superintendent of finance had implemented policies that largely ignored the common soldier who was not getting paid, was suffering in the cold, dying of sickness while all along watching the civilian profiteers progressively get richer. Another conflict that is noted to have pitted Americans against Americans is the conflict over land that pitted Native Americans against the colonialist Americans. Zinn (2010) points out that Native Americans had for the most part bee ignored by the fine words of the Declaration which had been drafted and designed in such a manner that it would not grant them equal rights to those that were granted to White Americans. Before the Revolution, the Indians that had been living in New England and Virginia had been subdued by force and that that had been living in other regions of the country had been forced to work out modes of coexistence with the colonies. However, despite their having worked out modes of coexistence with the colonizing Americans, by around the 1750, the fast growing colonial population served to increase

Friday, November 15, 2019

Impact Of Globalisation On Developing Countries Economics Essay

Impact Of Globalisation On Developing Countries Economics Essay The negative impact is in the world economy due to globalisation especially to the developing countries can be easily described in ten points. According to the current financial crisis mainly developing countrys trade will suffer and the World Bank is predicting that trade will fall by 2.5% in 2009-2010, which would be the first decline in global trade flows since 1982. Many investors are frustrated that it is so difficult to establish different production and manufacturing industries in those developing countries due to having many obstacles and slowdown factors even before the crisis began. Some economists argue that the situation is currently declining and the downturn in trade has aspects which are particularly worrying for developing and emerging economies. There are some factors which are relatively important and can be describes as slowdown factors for the developing countries or poor nations. The factors are describes below. Instability Globalisation faces enormous resistance especially in the third world. The defender of globalisation argues that globalisation could not solve the entire problem. It has been accompanied by increasing instability in hundreds of countries during the last three decades. So poor nations become poorer and rich countries become richer in the world. The poor countries follow the rules and regulations of international agreements to open their market. But they fail to gain the success for lack of knowledge and information and large risks associated with this policy. Then they lose their money, wealth and sometimes resources. Most developing countries are weak and are deprived of a social safety net. Economic crisis Most growing economies in South East Asia and South Korea have suffered major economic crises in their currency and markets and in employment. The crisis is due to sudden withdrawal of short-term funds by western investors and large scale short-selling on foreign exchange and equity markets by speculators. The example can be the Asian crisis that began in the 1990s with financial meltdown in Russia in August 1998 and severe turbulence in Latin American markets particularly in Brazil and Argentina. Poverty There were 864 million people in poverty in the world due to globalisation and this is another factor. Although most poverty is predominant in countries like Africa and South East Asia, even people in China and India ,due to globalisation, are living on less than $1 per day. Whereas in developed nations the minimum wage is $7 per hour and people have a more comfortable life. Having political issues and a lack of skilled workers, degraded environment, and destroyed original culture and the pressure from IMF, USA, WTO, developing nations economies are deteriorating, Many countries have suffered increasing poverty. In East Asia and the Pacific, the rate rose from 2.1 in 1970 to 5.4 in 2009 and in South Asia rose from 3.1 to 6.0. Terrorism According to Financial Times editor Lionel Barber (2008) The economic crisis was far from over when another assault took place, this time in Mumbai. Terrorists, laden with plastic explosives, grenades and assault rifles, killed at least 192 civilians across Indias financial capital and laid waste to the luxury Taj Mahal Palace hotel. By singling out symbols of Indian opulence and power, the perpetrators consciously copied the September 11 terrorists who targeted the Twin Towers in New York. So we can see that the problems of globalization are not only with third world countries but also in developed countries that are facing the serious threat of terrorism. Globalisation was doomed in the aftermath of the outrage of September 11, 2001 in USA. The terrorists killed many people and destroyed the World Trade Centre. They also attacked in the Thailand holiday resort of Bali. The onward march of global economics has faced financial crisis, the stock market collapse in the world. (Financia l Times, Dec 22, 2008.). Globalization has another negative impact of using nuclear power. The nuclear stockpile is increasing in the world due to globalisation and this should be a warning to the world. Child Labour Discrimination: Child labour is increasing in the world. You can also find child labour in the USA which is the richest country in the world. In developing countries they sell flowers, cold drinks, and magazines on the street. They live in the unhygienic places which are bad for health and have been affected by different diseases. The international labour organisation and international agency raised the world labour issue and according to their report that 100 to 200 million children under fifteen are at work and 95% are from poor countries and half of them are from Asian countries. About 100 million children have often gone to primary school in those countries. The children sometimes smuggled into different countries in the world. This problem is longstanding and historically inherited. Political Barrier There were still political barriers in eastern European countries in which communism prevailed in the 20th century. Adapting to the global market, citizens of those countries took part in revolutions, thousands of people died and governments were formed to establish capitalism. Today their door is open for global business and they joined the European Union and get many subsidies from rich European countries and their economic condition is going to stabilise their position with low inflation Global warming and diseases The world has been suffering from different diseases and the cost of drugs is expensive. The average dollar income per head means those people are not able to afford to buy such drugs. AIDS afflicts many in Africa and South Asian such as India and Thailand can hardly afford drugs. Some developing lands have been accused for using greenhouse gas for pollution but the United States of America is biggest source of the greenhouse gas in the world. Infrastructure Problem Barrier There are still infrastructure problems in developing countries such as India, China, and Malaysia, Bangladesh etc. They dont have a strong telecommunication network for contact with another country or in different areas of their country. Still the same problem exists in Africa where the people live without electricity, pure water supply system, road, technology and telecommunication as well. That is why they are not able to cope with globalisation . Holders of Power:- Some economic scholars believe that business people sometimes take control of the country from sovereign governments by forcing illegal pressure. They lack interest in the long term benefits to the country and only look to their own interests to cope with global business in the global market. Brazils former president, Fernando Henrique Cardoso stated that he didnt rule Brazil because globalisation is swallowing national state and is inevitable as are its consequences, its disasters, exclusion and social regression. So this is a threat for the country and national sovereignty. Overcoming these barriers. There are several trade theories like Dunning OLI, Porters Diamond theory, Heckscher -Ohlin model, Global shift theory along with different core ideas can help in the expansion of organizations across national or international boundaries to cope with globalisation and reduce the barriers or problems in the global financial market. I have also tried to highlight its importance for economic growth in developing countries. Daniel (2007) writes in his International business book Think globally, but act locally which means the country should do what is best for its own people rather than what is best for the world. They try to influence and understand how their people can be benefited with the help of globalisation and improve the global economic condition and return to confidence and overcome the global slowdown and improve individual opportunity. 2.11.1 Dunning OLI Theory:- Dunning (1995) OLI wrote a paradigm that is very helpful for multinational enterprise and global trade to other countries. By following this theory we can benefit and can reduce the problem of globalisation in the world. O- Ownership Specific advantage:- Corri and Farquharson stated that ownership specific advantage refers to the type of knowledge and privileges where an organisation can make goods which are not available to its own competitors. The foreign direct investor not only depends on cost but also places emphasis on ownership factors such as skilled workers, network, and ease of access to capital and use of technology. Japans joint venture with Rover and producing Honda car in the UK is an example. They believe and have invested in the UK for having skilled workers, high technology and can produce good quality product with best performance. So globalization makes it possible. The Japanese Company can say it is a UK car. The world is becoming more competitive and it can be very difficult to survive in a global competitive market. So the multinational companies are aware of the ownership factor. Their emphasis on skilled workers at low cost brings great advantage. The multinational companies are now recruiting workers from Chi na and India at a low cost. They are looking for talented people anywhere in the world and it has not ended. PepsiCo recruited 300 extra people in their snack unit through a talent assessment program in 2006. EMC started a global innovation network for research and development workers in the world. So all multinational companies are devising new strategies on a global scale to survive market conditions. L-Location Specific advantage:- For meeting the global market demands, research and development is also needed. The location is another factor of Dunning theory where MNEs can gain access to complimentary assets based on the nations competitive advantages originated in the partners home countries due to globalisation. Management skill is an important factor and India have trained many people who have moved abroad and moved back to their own country to set up new businesses in the Software industry and garments factory. Market size and growth potential are the most important location factors according to Meyer (1998) and Floyd (2002). China, India, and Russia are good locations and those countries have low cost bases now. The market of China has grown GDP10% now. Indian software industry becomes more important in the world. One specific location in India is Bangalore where infrastructure is good now. The location is more attractive to USA and UK firms which show prominence in the software industry (Heek, 1999). The global software industry is estimated to be worth around $1,300 billion now. Indias software export was worth $12 billion in 2003 and has grown 26% over the fiscal year which is a good for a developing country. They export to the USA who is dominating the market, the US buys $6 billion software products (McManus, 2004). India exports 3% software products now in the world. There are still some infrastructure problems like cultural difference, language capability and software engineering ca pacity. If they can produce three million computer scientists they can fill their export target about $ 50 billion in 2008(IT trends2004). FDI is more attractive in China which employs a low cost strategy. China now takes up 4.4% of this industry sales in the world. The production has grown about 12% for the last ten years. And the value of production output to reach US$96 billion by 2010(Wang, 1999). China has also strong domestic software industries which hold 33% of the market. The official policy is to increase this to 60% by 2012 (Gartner, 2002). I Internalisation Specific advantage:- Internalisation is a specific advantage which occurs when international markets face increased costs, because of transaction costs that global activity faces currently. In some respects that cost represents a natural barrier. Another factor is labour cost which is very high in developed countries. The theory of international division can help by their domestic market that can reduce the production cost with the help of low labour cost (Frobel, 1980). He also argues that the global profit can increase when production costs are low. This is possible in low-cost areas such as Eastern Europe and the third world countries such as India, China and Bangladesh. There needs to have been research development, good transport and communication technology (Corri, Farquharson). McManus and Floyd (2004) both stated that today India has benefited from having technological innovation. They improve the research centre and Google the worlds largest search engine is all set to open a development centre in Bangalore in India. Another leading web company, Yahoo carries out development work in Bangalore. IBM has also set up a laboratory in Delhi and 70 researchers in India. Mobile phone giants Virgin media and Vodafone have run their businesses in India recently. India now becomes a 1500 million people market now. The giant mobile handset company Nokia is to set up a research and development hub in India. Intel conducts 15-25% of its research and development outside the US and 900 in Bangalore and expects to add 1,100 employees in that company. India produces around 100 thousand computer science graduates a year. The Chinese government has prioritised boosting the information technology industry and it has become a national guiding principle in economic construction . China has an ambitious plan to turn the software industry into a new pillar industry in the 21stCentury. Chinese government has also initiated the e- government project. The success and demand on Internet protocol (IP) and Broadband subscribe line, latest net enabled devices; personal computer and semiconductors are the most popular sector in the global IT world. Personal computer users in The Middle East and Africa will increase to 17% from 7.2% in 2008(because of lower taxes, concern government effort to get PCs into school). And in Asia (excl Japan) it will be more moderate 11%. Asia is becoming the largest mobile phone market in terms of subscribers. However, the market of China has appreciated at almost 10% GDP of late in terms of growth. Now half of the world population has a mobile phone, and growth rate is nearly double. It is not used just for talking; it has now high speed Internet that people can download music, video, data etc 2.13 Heckscher -ohline Theory:- Heckscher -ohline theory is also very helpful. With the help of globalisation it is possible to remove the poverty and improve the global world. The concept of this theory is that the country has more capital but not enough labour. In this way a nation can invest its money in any poor or developing country to their mutual benefit. Sweden, Netherlands and Finland are among those countries whose capital outweighs their labour. They can invest in any Sub- Saharan African or developing country such as China or India. These countries have large labour forces or they can produce large labour intensive goods. Globalisation makes free movement of labour across borders and raises the income of labour. We have also gained knowledge from Heckscher-Ohlin theory extends the concept of comparative advantage by explaining the observed trade structure according to comparative advantages from the country-specific abundance of production along with some countries with relatively large capital but less labour focus in capital-intensive goods and high-tech products. This is seen in Japanese firms where they make substantial use of robots to assemble vehicles whereas Spanish firms, who have access to the same technology, do not because labour is relatively expensive compared to capital in Japan (Tayeb, 2000). 2.14 Global Shift Theory:- Todays global economy is genuinely borderless. Information, capital and innovation flow all over the world at top speed, enabled by technology and fuelled by consumers desires for access to the best and least expensive products (Ohmae, 1995, inside front cover). Dickens (1992) suggest in his global shift theory that the world become more internationalised and more globalised due to capital which was organised by multinational companies. The theory includes three important factors such as high technology for quality production, the relation between government and foreign organisation where any large organisation can do international business overseas with the help of politics and economics. From the business point of view, this global shift theory helps to build organizations assets, shareholders, personnel, value of chain, with which they exercise power on a global scale and growing. For example in 1960 the US was one of the biggest exporters of automobiles in the world however they had an enormous trade deficit in 2003 of $112 billion. While Japan has a comparable trade surplus of $92 billion because of their production locations abroad and they build more cars in exporting countries then other competitors like (USA). By using these theories not only the developed country can globalise their business in the world but also the developing can receive help for improving their own countrys GDP growth or financial position. Good financial health also helps to improve the populations life expectancy, and removing all barriers in the market and playing a significant role in the global economy and participating and contributing in overcoming economic crises. FDI its role in Global economy with the help of globalisation Foreign direct investment has swung back towards the developing parts of the world. Vast areas that had been shut from trade, investment and market forces have sought to join the capitalist club, opening their borders, reforming their economies and welcoming multi-national investment (The Economist, 1993). The participating players in Asian markets are Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. While China stands as the largest foreign direct investment recipient among these countries, discounting for its huge market size, fast economic growth, low labour costs, relatively well educated human resources, economic and geographical characteristics. Chinas relative performance in attracting foreign direct investment inflows is only at a level moderately above average among the developing countries. Some people have argued that globalisation is not to blame for increasing poverty and ineq uality. The current distribution of economic and political power in the world is fair. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is playing an increasing role in the world economy. Global FDI inflows were 29% higher in 2004 a total of $916 billion. Flows to developing countries in 2005 rose by 22% to reach a record high of $334 billion. Developed countries also saw increased flows; they saw a rise of 37% to $542 billion. It provides for equal opportunities for poor and in global affairs, relatively powerless. At the world level poverty is declining. FDI is one of the key factors in globalisation. It maintains some basic rules to invest. To be a success in the global economy nations have to follow the FDI laws and regulations.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Solutions to Electronic Waste Essay -- Recycling Electronics

Electronic and electrical equipment is essential part of busy world.It substitute hard human work and make it faster.The majority of mankind has computer at home or at work. In recent years changing of electronic equipment become faster due to obsolescence and fashion(Deathe et al. 2008, 322 ).The problem of e-waste influence on the future environment hangs over the modern society. E-waste ^ also known as electronic waste.It means electrical and electronic equipment which is not suitable for use and fill the damps. Electronic equipment, such as mobile phones, computers, and televisions consist of hazardous materials, which pollute the environment and impact on human’s health. By the National Safety Council lead’s 1.6 billion pounds and four times more pounds of plastic had been foretold to obtain from e-waste in 2007(Hosansky 2004, 20). There are a diversity of ways to solve this problem, but for finding the more effective solution there are some criteria such as envir onmental benefits, accessibility for people and feasibility. This paper will introduce and analyse remanufacturing and recycling using these criteria. This essay will argue that remanufacturing is the most effective solution by evaluation of two proposed solving. One of the known solutions to e-waste is recycling. Recycling is â€Å"the process of changing waste materials such as newspapers and bottles so that they can be used again† (Macmillan 2007). According to Bakar (2007, 1370) recycling has several parts of feasibility, the main aspects are dismantling and stages of separating. There are some recycling programs which help consumers to choose a convenient way to recycle their electronic equipment (Marquardt 2005). For instance, consumers can find programs on w... ... overcome.Waste Manage Res 2006:24(1):92-101. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners.2007. CD. Macmillan Publishers Limited: 2nd edition. Marquardt, K. 2005. "High-tech TRASH." Kiplinger's Personal Finance 59, no. 1: 88. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed October 21, 2010). PC3R Promotion Center, Household PC recycling; 2008. (accessed January 2008) Terazono A., S. Murakami., N. Abe,B. Inanc, Y. Moriguchi , S.Sakai, M.Kojima, A.Yoshida,J. Li, J.Yang , MH Wong, A. Jain, I. Kim, Gl. Peralta, CC Lin, T. Mungcharoen ,E.Williams.2006. Current status and research on e-waste issues in Asia.J.Mater Cycles Waste Manage. 8(1):1-12 Yoshida A., T. Tasaki,A. Terazini.2007.Material flow of used PCs in Japan. In: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE nternational symposium on electronics and the environment.IEEE.p 46-51.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Writing and Proper Supporting Points

I have always used writing as method to express myself. I wrote for self-pleasure instead of Just to complete an assignment. I knew that writing and being able to express myself would help me to further my education. Before my first day of Composition one, I imagined having a lot of papers to writing in such little time. However, it turned out to be a great experience. Composition one taught me how to improve my writing, expose me to different types of essays and how to overcome difficult tasks. Composition one allowed me to recognize the strengths and weakness in my writing skills.Three of my strongest essays assigned this semester are what you will be viewing in my portfolio. These weren't easy, but having the proper guidance is what made the difference. The workload did get hectic at times, because I found myself trying to transition from one genre to another. For me, the idea of outlining a proper thesis really helped me to write well. I would experiment to see if the quality of my essay would be better if I Just wrote about the topic. I realized that if I properly outlined my thesis, it would give me a path on which I could build my essay.I would use the number of supporting points that I had, to be the amount of paragraphs I would have. By doing this, the structure of my essay would be better. If it wasn't for my Professor focusing on getting the thesis correct. The task of writing and essay would be an extremely difficult one. At times, I felt as if I should Just write without paying attention to the thesis but Just as most things, I got used to outlining it. The first essay we were assigned was a literacy narrative. This was a personal essay for me to complete.The literacy narrative allowed me to recollect situations rom my past and put them on paper. IVe always done this, but I didn't know that things such as a thesis and proper supporting points would make for a better essay. I learned that the key to a great literacy narrative is to show instead of t o tell. The use of details is important in a literacy narrative as it gives the reader the feeling of actually being in the situation. My second essay was an evaluation. It required me to be very critical of a certain webpage. Usually when I visit webpages I Just go there to use what suites me.My mind wasn't open to the site layout, how it differs from other ebsite or what could make it better. By doing this essay, I am now more in tuned to the smallest details in forms of writing that I would happen to come across. I am a soccer fan; I enjoy watching, playing or even talking about the game. IVe always wanted to pass on the passion for the game to others. My third essay was a proposal. This essay allowed me to put my dreams into perspective . 1 was able to help a group of coaches learn more about the sport. With that knowledge, they would be able to pass it down to the children.The passion I have for soccer made the proposal the asiest essay IVe done since the semester began. This e ssay didn't have as much restrictions and rules to it, so it allowed me to interact with my work. I used life situations to bring forth my point. I enjoyed intertwining life with a thing so simple as writing. Of course, by writing over and over, one will get better at it. That wasn't the only way I gained strength and confidence in my writing abilities. Having great feedback from you're pairs is very important. We are all humans and the opinions of others affect us in either a good or bad way.I received feedback from my peers, the utors trom the writing center and my protessor. Those different perspectives on my work brought to my attention the things I need to work on. Composition one was definitely not the tedious class that I thought it would be. I didn't think I was going to be groomed to be a better writer. The different exercises that we were exposed to made the class very interesting. It was as if by writing a new essay, a new part of the brain was being activated. I enjoyed exploring certain thing than the other but the different skills that were being tuned made it worth it.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Nix v. Williams 467 U.S. 431 (1984) Essays - Searches And Seizures

Nix v. Williams 467 U.S. 431 (1984) Essays - Searches And Seizures Nix v. Williams 467 U.S. 431 (1984) U.S. Supreme Court Nix v. Williams, 467 U.S. 431 (1984) Nix v. Williams No. 82-1651 Argued January 18, 1984 Decided June 11, 1984 467 U.S. 431 CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT Facts Robert Allen Williams was arrested for the murder of 10 year old Pamela Powers which occurred on December 24 1968. Williams disposed of the body on a gravel road in Mitchellville Iowa. Law enforcement from the state of Iowa and over 200 volunteers conducted a search in the area of Mitchellville due to finding articles of clothing nearby. On the ride from Davenport to Des Moines Williams made statements to the police without an attorney present due to conversation that was initiated by officers. The statements made led them to find the child lying in a culvert. After the child was found he was arrested and read his Miranda rights. It was found that the statements given by Williams were obtained unlawfully and were not allowed to be presented during the trial, however photos, medical and chemical evidence was allowed. It was argued in court that even if Williams had not made the statements that led to the discovery the child would have been found due to the search of the volunteers wit h evidence that could still be used to convict. Procedural History First trial Williams was indicted for the murder of Pamela Powers in 1969. In the first trial the defense argued that the police interrogated Williams on the ride from Davenport to Des Moines hoping to get information about the girl. Williams had at that time retained counsel and the defense moved to suppress the statements due to unlawful interrogation and to the defendant?s right to counsel. The prosecution argued that the discovery was inevitable due to the search pattern and location of the volunteers. The motion for the defense was denied and Williams was found guilty of first degree murder in 1970. Williams appealed his conviction and it was affirmed however, the second appeal to the Iowa Court of Appeals was reversed. Williams? attorneys filed for Habeas Corpus and it was granted. The courts affirmed and Certiorari was granted. Second trial In 1977 Williams second trial commenced, however, the prosecution did not offer the statements made by Williams to the police. Prosecutors offered into evidence the body of the girl as if the defendant never made the statements. Williams was again found guilty of first degree murder. The Iowa Supreme Court affirmed the conviction stating that the police did not act in bad faith when they questioned Williams on the ride. The high court also found that the body would have been inevitably found during the search. The lower court?s decision was reversed based on the fact that they had not proven the police were acting in bad faith. In 1983 Habeas Corpus and Certiorari were again granted. Legal Issues The legal issue here is whether the evidence that resulted in the arrest should be excluded from trial due to the improper and unlawful interrogation of police officers. Did the comments of the officers as to the ?Christian burial? in effect cause and unlawful interrogation and did that violate the defendant?s right to counsel. Is there an inevitable discovery exception to the exclusionary rule? Decision of the Court Held. The fact that the body and or evidence would have been discovered within a short time period of the search by volunteers the doctrine of inevitable discovery applies. The method of which the evidence was discovered becomes irrelevant and is still allowed against the defendant. Dissent. Justice Brennan dissented, inevitable discovery relies heavily on a hypothetical scenario that may or may not produce the evidence. Therefore since the evidence was not discovered by legal means it remains unconstitutionally obtained. Concurrence. Justices Stevens and White Concurred, maintaining the same holding. Legal Analysis In Nix v. Williams the United States Supreme Court upheld William?s conviction due to the inevitable discovery doctrine. In this instance, the exclusionary rule -the termination of evidence due to the fraudulent nature of which it was obtained-did not apply to this case due to the fact that the child?s body was entered in and viewed as evidence. It was also found that the body and or evidence would have been

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Your Complete Guide to Acing Your Next Job Interview

Your Complete Guide to Acing Your Next Job Interview While the debate is still going on as to whether or not you need a cover letter, and the switch to electronic resumes is pretty much a done deal, there’s one aspect of the job search process that remains pretty much unchanged- you’re going to have to interview. It’s pretty much a given. Your prospective employer needs to see you in person to make sure you are sane, ready, willing, and able to take on all the tasks required by the open position. It’s hard not knowing what to expect. Will your interviewer be chill and jokey? Stern and formal? Will you hit it off and not be able to stop talking, or will there be awkward silences where you don’t know what to say?Here, we’ve compiled our best advice about the interview process, so you know what to expect every step of the way.First, Do Your HomeworkIt should go without saying (but we’ll say it anyway, again and again)- you must research the company before your interview. Know the basics: co mpany size, various locations, its main products or services- basically, if it can be found online, you should know it already before you walk in the doors. Your next bit of pre-interview prep should be to come up with a list of questions you’ll ask your interviewer about the company and position. There’s almost 100% chance he or she will end the interview with, â€Å"Any questions?† You better be prepared with some, or it will look like you don’t care. Here are some tips to get you started.Ask These 10 Interview Questions to Impress Your Hiring ManagerThe Most Important Question You Need to Ask in an Interview5 Unique Questions to Ask in a Job InterviewPrepare for Specific Question TypesOf course you don’t know for certain what questions your interviewer has prepared,  we have been though and combed through thousands of interviews. We’re familiar with the questions that come up again and again, and have insight into what hiring managers w ant to hear.First, the specifics. There’s no excuse for being unprepared when, let’s face it, hiring mangers can be pretty unoriginal. There’s a good chance one of the following questions will come up, so why not prep beforehand exactly what you want to say?How to Answer the â€Å"What Motivates You† Job Interview QuestionHow To Answer the Interview Question, â€Å"Why Are You Looking For a New Job?†How to Answer the Interview Question â€Å"What Makes You Unique?†How to Answer the â€Å"What’s Your Biggest Weakness?† Question in InterviewsHow to Answer the â€Å"How Would You Fire Someone?† Interview QuestionHow to Answer the Most-Asked Customer Service Interview QuestionNext, common interview question categories. Salary, behavioral, and situational interview questions also follow typical patterns. Check out the following to familiarize yourself with exactly what these questions entail and what interviewers want to hear .How to Answer the Salary Question in an InterviewHow to Answer Behavioral Interview QuestionsHow to Answer Situational Interview QuestionsWhat You Do Matters As Much As What You SaySo your questions are in hand, you know about the company, and you’re ready for the big day. But even if you have the most brilliant answers to all the questions lobbed your way, if you look like a mess and don’t master the art of professional body language, you won’t come across and qualified as you could. Check out the following advice about how to match your physical self with the smarts and ability you possess.What to Do With Your Hands During a Job Interview7 Common Body Language Mistakes People Make During Interviews7 Worst Things to Wear to a Job Interview11 Body Language Mistakes You’re Making in Your InterviewKnow the Bad So You Can Avoid It!You can study and study about what the best things are to say, but it also helps to know the worst, so you can avoid them. Maybe you don’t know what is and is not appropriate interview-speak. Maybe you’re used to an informal work environment and think that carries over to other workplaces. Maybe you’ve only seen interviews in movies and want to emulate some questionable habits. Before you do that, read the following so you don’t do or say something you regret.10 Personal Things Not to Say in an Interview10 Things You Should Not Say in an Interview7 Real Life Interview Mistakes That You Can Learn From5 Reasons You Just Had a Really Bad InterviewYour Guide to Unorthodox InterviewsIt’s hard enough prepping for a one-on-one situation- what if you’re facing a group of interviewers, or being questioned at the same time as a bunch of other people vying for the job? What if you’re applying for out-of-state or out-of country gigs and Skype or the phone are your only options?How to Survive Your Upcoming Panel InterviewHow to Survive Your Group InterviewHow to Prepare fo r a Remote Job InterviewKnow When You  Don’t Have to AnswerSure you want to aim to please during the interview- you’ll say what it takes to get the job, right? Not necessarily. There are some red flags you should be aware of before you start your interview; some are even illegal. No matter how badly you want your interviewee to like you, or how much you want the job, be on the lookout for illegal or unethical questions, and know what to say if they do come up.11 Unethical Interview Questions You Don’t Need to AnswerHow to Combat Illegal Interview QuestionsAfter Your InterviewSo, you did it. You researched, knew exactly what to say, had a polished outfit, elegant body language, and smart questions to ask. What’s next? Maybe they’ll call the next day with an proposal for a second interview- whoo hoo! Maybe you’ll hear†¦ nothing. Who knew silence could be so deafening? Or maybe you’ll get a polite but firm â€Å"no,† which, after all that work, is a colossal bummer. Read on for tips on what to do in these situations.Your Guide to a Successful Second InterviewHow to Handle Post Interview Silence5 Ways to Handle Rejection Like a ProInterviewing is a game. And once you know how to play it, it almost can become second nature. Know the tricks of the trade, work hard, and go into every interview with passion and grit. We promise, you’re sure to find success soon!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Telemedicine Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Telemedicine Project - Essay Example On the specifications, there are very specific demands that the outfit seeking to go into telemedicine must provide. Examples of these specifications include Once an outfit is ready to provide all of these requirements and meet the criteria spelt above, it can be considered for the practice of telemedicine. Generally, these requirements are in place, given the fact that they help in ensuring that there is the standardization of practice in a manner that protects and guides the interest and needs of patients and the general public (USPMC, 2002). They are also in place to ensure that the execution of telecommunication is done in a manner that can guarantee the safety of service providers (Zur, 2014). Whereas there are requirements and criteria to identify what people and organizations must have in place in order to practice telemedicine in the U.S, there are also laws and regulations that control the practice of telemedicine after all requirements have been met and practice has been set rolling (APA., 2011). Overall, there about 10 areas of legal and regulations areas that are focused on in the U.S. These include Under each of these areas, the Center for Telehealth and E-Health Law, the Federation of State Medical Boards, and the Federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth ensures that there are separate legal provisions provided to service providers to ensure that they provide service practice that are in line and in accordance with the fundamental legal protection of both patients and the health service. In terms of licensure, the regulation ensures that people have the right license to operate before they do so. All regulations on fraud seek to protect the public against any cases and incidence of fraud. The food and drug administration regulations and also ensures that the provision of any form of medicine is valid and safe. Issues on security also ensure that there is maximum guarantee on the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Soviet Union Invasion of Afghanistan Research Paper

Soviet Union Invasion of Afghanistan - Research Paper Example The paper describes also the aftermaths of the war. With the collaboration of America-Pakistan against the USSR, Afghanistan saw an emergence of ongoing guerrilla warfare. The United states, through Pakistan, funded the Afghan insurgents and Mujahideen, financing them with weapons as well as money. The Soviets suffered enormously through the hands of this mujhahideen. The soviets had to pay a huge price because of this ferocious resistance as it turned out to be disastrous in terms of military, financially as well as diplomatically. In 1988, the Geneva accords were signed and it included in it a time table which ensured a full Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989. Estimates of the Afghan death vary from 1 million to around 2 million. 15000 soviet soldiers were also injured and killed in the war. Around 10 million Afghans fled to Pakistan as well as Iran. Another 2 million Afghan people were displaced within the country. The Aerial bombing by the soviets destroyed important stru ctures like irrigation canals which were extremely crucial to the agriculture in and arid climate. Most of the farmers who decided to stay in Afghanistan had their fields and irrigation systems bombed and live stocks destroyed. The Landmines alone killed 25000 Afghans during the war and another 10-15 million land mines have been left scattered throughout the country. Even today, Afghan people die or are critically injured as a result of these land mines. A year after the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, the USSR collapsed. Similarities between the USSR and US war in Afghanistan: Of course, there are many similarities between the Soviet strategies and policies of their Afghan war of 1979 and the American tactics in Afghanistan since 2001. In 1980s, the USSR was failing in Afghanistan even after a new leadership was emerging the capital of the Soviet Union. The new leadership started to make new strategic changes in order to rescue

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Valuation and Discounted Cash Flows Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Valuation and Discounted Cash Flows - Case Study Example The second alternative suggests that five-year zero-interest loan and the new loan was to be repaying in 5 equal annual payments. And this alternative would save them well more than $2,000 in interest. So the alternative A is better than the alternative B to pay the mortgage. 3) A) If an investor invests $2 million in stock market to purchase shares the return is based on the market. Some time he will get high return on his investment some time he will get loss his investment. The return is based on the economic condition. But the investment in bond will generate constant return to the investor, the investor would get specific percentage of interest at particular period of time also he will get principle amount at the end of specific period of time. Bid is the obtainable price at which the investor can sell his share. $1.5 million is the price that the buyer is willing to pay. Minimum bid price $1.3million has already placed, even there is $1.5 million bid I would not sell at $1.5 million I will hold the investment because the Wall Street financial analyst predicted that the successful bid is $ 2.1 million. The investment is also depending the tax imposed by the government authorities. B) In my point in July 1 1992 the capital market provides fair market value to the investment. The investor gained better yield for their investment and the approximate market fair value of the ticket will be $1.5 million because there has been minimum bid for $1.3 million so the fair value would be $1.5 million for the ticket. C) If tax rate is increased for the bond investment it will decrease the return from this bond investment. Then I would prefer the investment in other investment options like shares, mutual fund etc. If tax rate is increases, for the investment in corporate bond that I would make valuation on the bond based on face value. If tax rate is increased then I would choose

Monday, October 28, 2019

Jamie Oliver’s language Essay Example for Free

Jamie Oliver’s language Essay In this essay I am going to be talking about the different aspects of Jamie Oliver’s language and how he adapts and uses these language features in his TED speech.Jamie Oliver successfully uses many language devices in order to help him communicate with his audience. I will be looking at Oliver’s and examining how effective it is and also some features of spontaneous speech, which are shown in the speech.Firstly, I am going to look at Jamie Oliver’s planned and prepared language that he uses. Oliver has obviously taken time to adapt his lexis to suit his American audience.Phrases such as â€Å"health care bills† and â€Å"dollars† are some examples of this. Using these Americanisms would ensure that his audience understands the full message that he is trying to put across to them. If he used phrases such as â€Å"pounds† it would weaken the emphasis he is making he could not have full communication with his audience, as they would struggle to understand the extent of his message. Next, there is a strong display of socialect and idiolect in Jamie Oliver’s spontaneous speech. This shows that even though he has adapted some of his lexis and thought about what he is going to say, he often switches to spontaneous speech and his socialect and idiolect come through. An example of this is â€Å" aint†. As this is a very-English word, it shows that this would be part of Oliver’s spontaneous speech. However it may also have been planned as it shows that even though he is trying to adapt to suit his audience he may have used â€Å"ain’t† to keep his identity and also make his speech more engaging.Pauses are a common prosodic feature in Jamie Oliver’s speech. Often used subconsciously, they are slight breaks in speech that can be used in spontaneous speech for the speaker to think about what they are going to say next, but also can be planned in order to add effect. An example of are long pause is â€Å"let’s be honest guys,(0.5) you aint got that cash.† This is a clear example of using pauses to add effect. Its hows that Oliver is passionate about the subject he is talking about and adding as light humourous edge to his talk.All these are features that Jamie Oliver uses in his speech, whether it be spontaneous or planned. Each one has a specific effect and adds to his speech. Altogether I have found that these features are integral to the success of his speech and enhance the message he is bringing to his audience.